Home Plants Sucupira tea – Benefits and properties of the plant

Sucupira tea – Benefits and properties of the plant

by Dianna Leon

The sucupira, scientific name Pterodon emarginatus , is a rustic tree and more commonly found in intermediate regions between the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado, such as in the states of Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Tocantins, São Paulo, Goiás, Piauí and Mato Grosso do South. In the state of São Paulo, the species is on the list of endangered plants. The sucupira wood is very popular and famous, being used in civil construction.

The sucupira is a medium-sized tree, measuring 8 to 16 meters, its trunk has a smooth yellowish-white bark and its roots can form reserve expansions, the so-called sucupira potatoes. In folk medicine, its volatile aromatic oil, which is produced by the husk and seeds, is used against rheumatism; the root nodules, the sucupira potatoes, are used against diabetes.

Indications for use

Sucupira tea is a great home remedy for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, herniated discs, parrot beaks, ulcers, gastritis, uric acid, thrush, tonsillitis, asthma, gonorrhea, dermatoses, spastic pain, diabetes, hoarseness, syphilis, bleeding, intestinal worms, anticancer and fights inflammation in the uterus and ovaries.

In addition, studies have shown that oil from succuira fruits inhibits penetration of schistosomiasis cercariae into the skin and can be used for prophylaxis of this endemic disease.

How to prepare the tea


– 12 sucupira seeds;

– 3 liters of water.

preparation mode

Grind the sucupira seeds in a pestle until the resin inside the seeds is exposed. Put the water on the fire, and when it comes to boiling point, add the crushed seeds. After about a minute and a half, turn off the heat. Cover the pan. Then just wait for the tea to cool before drinking. Sucupira tea should be drunk several times a day, and a liter and a half is the ideal amount to be effective against bone diseases.

The sucupira seed resin will be deposited at the bottom of the pot, so that it can no longer be used for other purposes.

How to prepare the medicine?

Prepare a tincture from the sucupira fruits and take approximately 20 drops, three to five times a day. Drink it like water. Depending on the case, in a matter of 1 or 2 days the symptoms of throat infections disappear.

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