Home Plants Cambara tea – Benefits of this plant

Cambara tea – Benefits of this plant

by Dianna Leon
Cambara tea

Scientific name Lantana camara , the cambará is an ornamental and flowering shrub. The leaves are hairy and their erect or semi-pendent branches are quite flexible. With many flowers that form small bouquets, the colors are usually orange, pink, red, yellow and white, but even in just one inflorescence, we can find different colors.

The parts of the plant used for medicinal purposes are the leaves and stems. Originally from Brazil, the plant has been used for centuries to treat various diseases. According to studies done in guinea pigs (common since the 19th century for human gastrointestinal and respiratory models), when part of the animal’s intestine was removed, intestinal cramps were simulated and then the plant leaf extract was applied. In this case, a more intense antispasmodic activity could be observed, proving its effect in the treatment of abdominal pain. Other more recent studies have also proven its efficiency in combating abdominal and respiratory diseases.


Benefits and properties

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, proven by scientific methods, tea made with cambará with other popular indications. It can be used to lower fever, treat earaches, whooping cough, rheumatism and spasms. It also acts as an excellent expectorant, being indicated for coughs, colds, flu, bronchitis, asthma, infections and respiratory allergies.

How to prepare tea?

To prepare the tea, you must separate:

– 1 tablespoon of dried cambará leaves (should be sun-dried)
– 1 liter of water

In a container – preferably of a material other than metal -, place the two ingredients and bring to fire. Wait until the mixture comes to a boil, then turn off. Place a lid and let it rest for approximately ten minutes to finally strain and consume. It can be consumed warm or cold, as you prefer, but without sweetening.

The recommended dose is one cup of tea between three and four times a day, preferably in the morning, after lunch, in the afternoon and before bedtime.

Contraindications and precautions for use

Attention: The plant is toxic and should only be used with medical advice and prescription, in addition to monitoring. Can lead to death when used without medical supervision.

Among its side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, labored breathing, among others, which may appear a few hours after consumption. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek medical attention urgently.

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