Devil’s claw, an original plant from Africa, also has names like Devil’s Claw and Harpagus, in addition to the scientific name of Harpagophytum procumbens DC It is composed of bitter, iridoid principles: arpagid, harpagoside (proven anti-inflammatory effect), and phytosterols. After many clinical and scientific studies on its components and effects on the human body, it came to be considered a beneficial herb to be consumed as tea.
What are the properties of devil’s claw tea?
Primarily indicated as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory, devil’s claw is also an effective combatant against tendonitis, rheumatic, bladder, kidney and liver diseases, it relieves symptoms of diabetes, tendonitis, high bad cholesterol, problems in the gallbladder, intestines and pancreas.
It is also believed that those who ingest it often guarantee a more pleasant old age for themselves. This is because it makes the joints more elastic and light, in addition to increasing immunity, thus preventing the elderly person from easily contracting the most common illnesses for the elderly, such as pneumonia, regular flu, throat problems, among many others.
If you are on any treatment, consult your doctor to see if devil’s claw tea is released in your case. It can be used in conjunction with cardiovascular medications and anticoagulants, for example.
How to prepare devil’s claw tea
Wash the roots and wait until they are completely dry. When they are, make the tea through the infusion, with the kettle covered, and drink it 3 times a day. The time to notice the results will depend on your need. For example, if you need devil’s claw as a pain reliever or anti-inflammatory, taking these amounts a day, results can show up within 3 weeks. For people who want relief from diabetes, rheumatism or stiff joints, significant results can be taken up to 3 months to be noticed, remembering that it varies from body to body.
stay tuned
It is important to pay attention to your body’s signals when starting devil’s claw treatment. If you notice the beginning of allergy, have hallucinations or gastrointestinal problems, discontinue use immediately and see a doctor to find out what is going on. Its use is contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women, allergy sufferers and people with ulcers.
If you can’t find devil’s claw roots to make the tea – because it’s an imported plant – you can still find it as capsules and oils to be ingested daily.