A simple earache can be something that spoils your entire day. The organ is extremely sensitive and several reasons can cause an infection or discomfort. For example, when water or dust enters it, there is some kind of problem with the teeth, irritation caused by the inappropriate use of objects such as cotton swabs, among many others.Other people have problems a little more serious than a simple pain caused by a specific reason, such as those who suffer from ear infections, which can be caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi.

The ideal is to consult an otolaryngologist, so that problems such as otitis do not reach a more serious level. However, there are homemade treatments made from tea recipes that can help alleviate the symptoms of inflamed ear pain sufferers.

Teas to treat inflamed ear pain

Orange peel tea with pennyroyal and guaco


  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 handful of orange peel
  • 1 handful of guaco
  • 1 handful of pennyroyal

Preparation mode

Infuse the ingredients. Drink 3 times a day while there is ear pain.

Licorice tea


  • 1 liter of water
  • 30 grams of licorice

Preparation mode

Put the licorice into the water while it boils. Leave on fire for approximately ten minutes. Then turn off the heat and smother the mixture for another ten minutes. Strain afterwards and drink the tea.

thyme tea

  • 200ml of water
  • 2 tablespoons of dried thyme

Preparation mode

First, boil the water. Then add the spoons of thyme to a mug and cover with the boiled water. Leave the tea to rest and drink, if you prefer, sweetened with honey.

Ginger tea


  • 3 cm of ginger or 5 scoops of grated root
  • 1 liter of water

Preparation mode

After sanitizing the ginger, cut or grate it. Boil water over high heat and add ginger. Reduce heat, cover pan and smother for approximately 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, strain and consume the drink.