Cedar of Lebanon can be used to treat various ailments due to its antispasmodic, inappetence and deworming effects.
Depending on where it is found, Lebanese cedar can be known by several other names, such as pink cedar, red cedar, mahogany cedar, acuju, brown cedar, sweet cedar, female cedar and cedar. bitter. For medicinal use, the part of the plant used is the trunk bark, seeds and flowers.
medicinal properties
The Cedar of Lebanon has astringent, antispasmodic, aperient, febrifuge, inappetence, tonic and vermifuge power. Because of this, it can be applied in the process of treating and curing various diseases, such as diarrhea, dysentery, venereal disease, spasm, fever, wound, wound infection, orchitis, ulcer and worms.
Cedar Tea from Lebanon
Depending on the disease to be treated, the part of the plant that should be used to prepare the tea varies. To treat diarrhea, dysentery, fever and loss of appetite, the use of bark is indicated. To obtain the antispasmodic effects, just use the flowers. To combat cases of ulcers and wounds, the solution comes from extracting the oil from the seeds.
To prepare early Lebanese tea you will need 200 ml of water and 10 grams of dried leaves of the plant. Bring the water to a boil, then add the leaves. Bring to a boil for three minutes, turn off the heat and let it settle for another 10 minutes in the container with a lid. Intake should be no more than three cups a day.