Belonging to the Asteraceae family, English chamomile is a plant used to treat many health problems. Its use in natural medicine comes from flowers, which are ingredients in infusions and decoctions. Added to this is the essential oil, also extracted from flowers.Its physical characteristics are quite similar to chamomile that everyone knows. However, the curative principles may differ in some points. Even in the case of a natural ingredient, it is important that, before consuming it, seek medical advice.

medicinal properties

English chamomile is a plant that has the power to cure some diseases based on some active ingredients.

Among the most important are: angelic acid, isobutyric acid, flavonoids, sesquiterpene lactone, pro-camazulene and tannin. As for the essential oil, its composition consists of isoamyl, isobutyl, nobilin and pinocarveol.

Based on all these substances, the herb has antiallergic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue, stomachic, sedative and tonic properties.

Thus, it is not difficult to understand why English chamomile is indicated to fight various diseases. In the list are: nervous affection, hysteria, menstrual problem, intermittent fever, flatulence and problems related to poor digestion.

The herb can also be used to treat reddened skin and eyes, general skin inflammation, freckles, acts on rough hands, knees and elbows, and skin allergies. In aesthetics, the plant can also be used to lighten brown and light hair.

english chamomile tea

To prepare English chamomile tea, just separate 200 ml of water and 10 grams of dried flowers from the plant. Boil the water, then add the flowers and turn off the heat. Let it sit for 10 minutes, strain and just ingest. Pay attention to the recommended daily amount, which is three cups.


English chamomile tea is not recommended for people without radiotherapy treatment, as it prevents radiation from destroying healthy and malignant cells. Depending on the type of allergic reactions to a person may experience, the herb intensifies them.