Home Plants Mallow tea – Benefits and properties

Mallow tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Belonging to the Malvaceae family , the mallow plant has the scientific name Malva sylvestris . Its flowers can measure between 0.5 to 5 cm, with white or pink petals; its leaves are webbed and alternated. Originally from Europe, the mallow plant was first disseminated to tropical and temperate places in Asia and Africa, later being known in many countries, such as Brazil. Initially, it was widely used for ornamental purposes, such as ornamenting gardens, homes and businesses, as the beauty of its flowers drew the attention of others. Over time, however, it was discovered that, in addition to being used for decorative purposes, the mallow plant could also be consumed and, still, provide several benefits to the human body.

Constituents and properties

To understand what makes mallow so beneficial, consider that it has vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, flavonoids, mucilage and carotenes. Thus, among its greatest properties, mallow is an antioxidant, important to fight free radicals, premature aging and the appearance of signs of age; astringent, responsible for keeping the body in constant healing, preventing infections and other ailments; diuretic, a property that makes the body increase the amount of urine eliminated, which reduces and prevents cystitis and urinary tract infections, in addition to providing a “cleaning” to the body by eliminating toxins and bacteria, and also reducing swelling caused by retention of liquid; expectorant, essential for the treatment of respiratory and pulmonary diseases, fighting and preventing flu, coughs and colds; laxative, property that stimulates the proper functioning of the intestine, also eliminating bacteria and toxins; emollient, soothing the skin and tissue, acts as an anti-inflammatory and is indicated in cases of ulcers and gastritis.

Benefits and indications

Although its medicinal properties already imply the various uses of the mallow plant consumption, we must emphasize that it has other specific benefits, such as: helping to treat – or even cure – catarrh, bronchitis, coughs and pharyngitis; laryngeal and throat infections; and assist in the healing process of thrush.

preparation of mallow tea

Wash well the amount equivalent to two tablespoons of mallow leaves. Then chop them into small pieces and place in a kettle. Add an amount equivalent to one and a half cups of filtered water. Simmer for ten minutes, then smother and allow to warm. With warm tea, strain it, sweeten it and drink it, repeating the procedure twice a day.

Heads up

Any drug treatment – ​​whether natural or not – requires medical advice. So, seek the help of a specialist before, during and after treatment. In case of unwanted reactions, discontinue use and report what happened immediately to the doctor.

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