Originally from the Atlantic Forest, papiparoba belongs to the Piperaceae family and can be popularly known as cataié, santa maria, true caapeba, papiparobina, marjoram or malvarisco. It has large rounded leaves, small yellowish flowers that come together in spikes, and its fruit is a small berry with edible seeds, making it one of the birds’ favorite foods. Easy to adapt to the environment, although it prefers moist soils, it can be harvested at any time of the year. This practicality, together with the beneficial medicinal properties that papiparoba has, made it disseminated not only in the Atlantic Forest, but in all Brazilian soil, mainly in Bahia, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and São Paulo.
Properties and benefits
The main properties of the plant papiparoba in the body are: antiophidic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, digestive, diuretic, hepatic, tonic, sweating, vermifuge and laxative. In order to benefit from these properties, the most suitable way is through your tea.
The consumption of papiparoba tea is commonly indicated for the following ailments: bruises, fever, bruises and wounds, boils, rheumatism, cough, burns, inflammation in general and problems in the lungs, illnesses or uterus. It is also a great help in the treatment of digestive and stomach ailments, such as heartburn, poor digestion, ulcers and gastritis.
Papiparoba is such a beneficial plant that it ended up becoming the subject of research carried out by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USP, in the University City of São Paulo. The study proved that papiparoba contains an important chemical compound to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UVB ultraviolet rays. It prevents the reduction of collagen and elastin, in addition to protecting the skin from both immediate and chronic effects caused by solar radiation. Still, it was found that the substance 4-nerolidilcatechol, present in the roots of the plant, is extremely effective in delaying aging, leaving the skin always beautiful and renewed.
preparation mode
Heat half a liter of filtered water, along with two teaspoons of papiparoba leaves. Simmer for 10 minutes, then turn off. Keep the kettle muffled for another 10 minutes, then make sure the tea temperature is suitable for drinking. If so, strain, sweeten to taste and drink once a day.
Contraindications and side effects
Papiparoba is not considered a dangerous plant, but it is definitely contraindicated for pregnant women, as it has properties that can cause fetal malformation. Also, if consumed in exaggerated doses, it can cause the opposite effect, causing discomfort