Also known as the jaguar’s ear, the Milona plant, whose scientific name is Cissampelos sympodialis, can be found in semiarid climates such as Paraíba and the entire Northeast, in addition to Minas Gerais.
The plant has been studied for approximately 25 years at the Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory of the Federal University of Paraíba, and in this way several benefits were discovered. More efficient than many chemical medicines, this one is about to become a medicine.
Both its leaves and roots have high therapeutic potential and scientifically proven.
Benefits and properties
The plant has been popularly used, but with proven benefits, for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchitis or even colds. Furthermore, it can also be used to combat depression. The results of using milona for treatments are far superior to the results of treatments with corticoids.
Among its benefits, we also find its action as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic – acting in this way to combat the cause of asthma, which is allergy, and to combat the consequence, which is chronic inflammation -, in addition to reducing the production of mucus – responsible for obstructing the airways. In some studies with rats, it was proven that milona’s properties also involve actions capable of fighting gastric ulcers.
How to prepare tea?
Ideal for treating depression and asthma, milona tea should be made with four fresh leaves of the plant for every two teacups of water.
To prepare, in a container, put the water and bring to fire. When it comes to a boil, turn off and add the leaves, then capping. Let it rest in a sweltering period of approximately 6 minutes. After this time, strain the tea and sweeten it with honey to taste, consuming 1 cup of tea twice a day.
Where to find?
In compounding pharmacies and herbal medicine houses, the plant can be found. This plant, however, at least for the time being, can only be found in its natural form. It is believed, due to advances in research, that syrups and capsules made with this plant will be easily found later. This process, however, is a little time-consuming, that’s why only the tea sachets were released. It is preferable that you consume the leaves of the plant, its roots have low toxicity.
There were no contraindications or side effects reported in the surveys carried out.