Beargrass, bear plant, serpo, serpil, false thyme and wild thyme. These are the possible names for the serpilho, which has the scientific name Thymus serpyllum. It is a medicinal plant and belongs to the Lamiaceae family.

Even though it is a small plant, considering that its size does not exceed 20 cm in height, it is an herb with many medicinal properties. As such, the snake can be used as a natural remedy to treat a variety of health problems. Check out:

medicinal properties

  • Antibiotics;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Balsamic;
  • Healing;
  • Digestive;
  • Diuretics;
  • Spasmolytic;
  • Stimulant;
  • Expectorant;
  • Tonic;
  • Vasoprotector;
  • Vermifuge;
  • Vulnerary.

Serb benefits

This plant is indicated to treat problems related to the respiratory system. In this way, it can treat asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, cough and epistaxis. It can also be used to reduce spasms and fatigue.

Other beneficial actions of the snake are associated with a decrease in stomach cramps, gastric disturbances and constipation. Not to mention the treatment of constipation in infants and diarrhea.

In addition to these benefits, the herb can be used to control diseases and problems that affect the nervous system. Thus, using the snake it is possible to treat epilepsy, hair loss and can even tone the nerves.

Arthritis, rheumatic pain, asthenia, wounds and scabies are other problems treated with the use of this plant.

How to make tea from this plant?

Use 50 g of the leaves of this plant and a liter of filtered water to prepare the decoction. First, crush the leaves. Then pour this content into the water and bring it to a boil. After the boiling process, wait for it to cool and the solution will be ready to use.

ways to use

There are several ways to apply this decoction in the treatment of health problems, they are: gargle, general bath, compress, lotion, vaginal irrigation, mouthwash, local cleaning, capillary friction or inhalation.

Contraindication and general recommendations

This plant cannot be used in pregnancy, in the lactation period, in children under six years of age and in the case of people with respiratory allergies. Anyone who has neurological problems should also stay away from the snake.

In addition to contraindications, it is important to seek medical help. This is because the plant can cause adverse reactions in some people, and an expert opinion is ideal. Remember that self-medication can be just as harmful as lack of care.