The Indian chestnut is a plant of the Fagáceas family. It is a large tree, reaching 25 meters in height, with an erect, cylindrical and branched stem, with a dense and regular canopy. Its seeds are highly appreciated, also appearing as beneficial in natural medicine.

The Indian nut originates from Southeast Europe and Asia. Today, the tree can be found on every continent. Bright brown seeds are poisonous, so care should be taken when consuming them.


Sensitive patients may experience gastrointestinal mucosal irritation, nausea; decreased renal function in patients with preexisting renal failure. Administration of isolated venous hymira ascin can cause anaphylactic reaction.

natural benefits

Horse chestnuts are well known for the effects they can have on human health. It has an astringent, anti-hemorroidal, anti-inflammatory, stimulant, hemostatic, capillary permeability reducing, vasoconstrictor and vasoprotective tonic effect.

So it can be used to ease and prevent varicose veins; helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids; treats bruises, the small blood leaks that are a consequence of broken capillaries; eliminates edema, thrombophlebitis and prostatitis.

Horse chestnut is also widely used by menstruating women, as it improves menstrual cramps, leg pain and also combats PMS. It also treats swelling, dermatitis, skin inflammation, eczema and can even help with the weight loss process, as it prevents the abnormal accumulation of fluids.

India chestnut tea

For medicinal purposes, the best way to consume the Indian nut is through tea, prepared from its leaves. To prepare it, just put a liter of water to boil and separate 30 grams of leaves from the plant. Add the chestnut leaves to boiling water and let stand for approximately 20 minutes.

After this time, use a sieve to separate the leaves and the drink is ready to drink. If you prefer, use a little honey to sweeten it. Pay attention to your daily tea consumption. It should not exceed three cups.