White mallow is a plant used for homeopathic treatments since the Middle Ages. The herb serves as an ingredient from teas to skin compresses
The plant belongs to the Sterculiaceae family and is also popularly known as douradinha do campo, velvet mallow, botica malda and large malva. White mallow has rough stalks, measuring up to two feet in height and has blue, yellow or purple flowers.
Any part of the plant can be used in alternative medicine. White mallow is an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B2 and C, stereo oil, mucilage, flavonoids, carotenes and its dried seeds have 20% protein and 35% fat.
White mallow has medicinal properties that make it an excellent sweating, stimulant, anti-dysenteric, diuretic and also has a substance that helps to induce vomiting.
The consumption of the plant is recommended for people who suffer from problems such as gastritis, ulcers, cystitis, gonorrhea, diarrhea, inflammation of the mouth, throat, larynx and pharynx, thrush, respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, cough and phlegm, it treats, moisturizes and soothes skin conditions such as inflammation, dermatoses, boils, abscesses and insect bites.
Use of white mallow in medicine
white mallow tea
In a pot with 1 liter of water, place two tablespoons of dried white mallow leaves. Bring the container to the fire and when the water comes to a boil, turn off the heat. Leave the pan muffled for approximately ten minutes. Strain the drink and drink it without sweetening. If you prefer, sweeten it with honey.
Mouth and throat problems are treated by gargling with the same drink.
Compress of the leaves
People in ancient times already used the compress made with white mallow leaves to treat burn problems.