Home Plants Agripalma tea – what is it for

Agripalma tea – what is it for

by Dianna Leon

When a person falls ill or is affected by some malaise, the first attitude is usually – and should – be to seek medical advice and buy the proper medication. However, our ancestors knew that many remedies needed to fight disease can be found directly in nature. Always under medical guidance, you can give up some medications to include natural remedies in your treatment. One of them is agripalma.

What is agripalma for

Agripalma is a natural remedy especially for the heart, as it acts as a tonic and strengthens it, preventing possible heart attacks or problems resulting from a fragile heart. Also composed of alkaloids, it facilitates uterine contractions, relieves cramps and aids in labor, in addition to restoring the uterus and preventing postpartum hemorrhage and amenorrhea. For those suffering from hypothyroidism, agripalma is also a great homeopathic medicine.

Its use is still ideal for those who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, tachycardia, palpitations and arrhythmia. It works as a kind of sedative, relaxant, antiarrhythmic and mild hypotensive. It can cure thyroid dysfunction, respiratory problems such as asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis, among others.

Ways to use

Agripalma can be used as tea. Just separate two scoops of the dried herb and place them in a cup. Then pour in boiling water, cover the cup and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Then strain and drink upon waking and before bed.

To use agripalma as a tincture, just put 6 to 10 ml of tincture in a cup of water. Fully dilute the tincture, then ingest it as a heart tonic at least twice a day.

Both ways of using agripalma can also be used as vaginal showers and sitz baths to ease infections and discharge.


Avoid using this plant together with sedatives. Pregnant women, lactating women and women during their menstrual period should avoid their consumption without the supervision of a doctor.

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