Home Plants Cock spur tea is an ally against rheumatism

Cock spur tea is an ally against rheumatism

by Dianna Leon
Rooster spur root is known

Rooster spur root is known by the elders as an excellent source of cure for those suffering from conditions such as rheumatism, venereal disease and joint inflammation. How to prepare it correctly to enjoy so many benefits?

Preparation mode

Wash the root, its leaves and bark, and cook them in a kettle with water until it boils. It is important that during brewing – and even a few minutes after turning off the heat – the kettle is covered so that substances are not lost or the tea does not cool quickly.

Then set aside the measure you will take – preferably a cup or large glass – and keep the rest in the covered kettle. It is important to take the same measure 3 times a day, if possible with an interval of 4 hours between each dose, so that you do not feel sick from the tea or overload your bladder. As for the fruits that are left over from the root, discard them, as they are useless and are not recommended to be eaten in any way.

Benefits of Rooster Spur Tea

With the passing of years and the arrival of old age, or even due to sedentary lifestyle in younger people, it is common for the joints to appear to be “harder” and more painful. Frequently drinking spur and rooster tea, the result is felt in a few days. The same is true for those suffering from rheumatism, regardless of the degree of the disease, tea is an excellent medicinal accompaniment. The pains will be relieved until they are no longer remembered. It is noteworthy that for the results to be lasting, it is beneficial to drink the tea at least 3 times a week, and seek to have an active life as much as possible.

As seen not only in this article, but in the blog in general, teas are essential for a healthier life, balanced and without dependence on medicines for any and all discomfort. However, always seek medical advice and study how to combine the teas with what is prescribed.

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