Home Plants Damiana tea – Benefits and medicinal properties

Damiana tea – Benefits and medicinal properties

by Dianna Leon
closeup photo of damian

The Damiana is a medicinal plant which has the scientific name Turnera diffusa, but is also known as Damiana-of-Mexico and Mexican-Damiana. Despite having a flower that stands out and makes some people think that Damiana is all about it, the plant is actually a shrub, native to Central America, Mexico, South America and the Caribbean. It is relatively small and its flowers are small and aromatic (some people would swear that this shrub and its flowers smell reminiscent of chamomile, because of the oil present in the plant). Its leaves can be made into a tea, which has been widely used by the Aztecs, Mayans, Mexican Indians and South American Indians. This tea has numerous properties and benefits, check it out.

Damiana Properties

Damiana is an aphrodisiac, antiseptic, urinary, carminative, colagogue, diuretic, emmenagogue, stimulant, laxative and nervin. Given these properties , it is possible to obtain many benefits , especially if it is consumed as tea .

Damiana tea benefits

  • It was used by teenagers to overcome shyness – a common feature at the time of puberty.
  • It reduces female frigidity, even causing the woman to produce more vaginal mucus – which, consequently, makes her more lubricated.
  • It can be used to prevent sexual performance anxiety in adults, improving it quickly. This is because the bitter principle of the plant stimulates the nervous system, causing the nerves to more quickly send messages to the genitals.
  • It can also be used in the following cases: albuminuria, alcoholism, anorexia, asthma, asthenia (or weakness), bronchitis, cystitis, convalescence, constipation, weakness, respiratory disorder, depression, diabetes, diarrhea, dyspepsia, dysentery, dysmenorrhea, kidney disease and bladder, venereal disease, headache, stomach pain, eczema (from insufficient menstruation), enuresis (urinary incontinence), spermatorrhoea, female and male sexual impotence, intestinal infection, leukorrhea, malaria, nerves, paralysis, vision problems, rhinitis, rheumatism, syphilis, peptic ulcers, urethritis and gallbladder problems.


Despite having so many benefits, like any medicinal plant , Damiana also has its contraindications, such as in cases of pregnancy, lactation and hypoglycemia. As it can cause anxiety, insomnia, tachycardia and bowel irritation, one should not drink more than a cup of tea a day, so as not to end up overloading the liver, as its effects are cumulative. Finally, the consumption of Damiana tea with stimulants such as coffee, other teas, guarana, cola and ginseng is also not recommended.

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