Ovarian cysts are pockets of fluid that grow abnormally in or around the ovary in a woman. There are several types of cysts on the ovary, the most common being known as a functional cyst (follicular and luteal types). While most of the time this problem is benign, it’s important to keep looking.

How do I know if I have ovarian cysts?

The symptoms of the problem usually go unnoticed, so the medical check up must always be up to date. However, some sensations may be characteristic of an ovarian cyst:

  • Irregularity or pain in the menstrual period;
  • Swelling in the abdomen;
  • Pelvic pain (constant, sudden and severe, frequent, pre- and post-menstrual, or accompanied by nausea);
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Pain when evacuating.

How to eliminate the cyst?

Cysts usually tend to disappear naturally after a few weeks. Your gynecologist may also prescribe a birth control pill to reduce the likelihood of new cysts eventually appearing. In more severe cases, the treatment should be surgical to remove the cysts.

Those who prefer nature’s options to treat health problems can opt for the famous quixaba tea, which helps to reduce and eliminate the symptoms and the problem altogether.

Quixaba tea against ovarian cysts

Well known in folk medicine for its effectiveness in treating ovarian cysts, quixaba tea is the best natural option for the problem. Full of healing and anti-inflammatory properties in its composition, the quixaba bark alleviates such uncomfortable pain symptoms in the pelvic region – a common symptom in cases of ovarian cysts.

To make the infusion, just add a tablespoon of the quixaba bark in 500 ml of water and bring to a boil. When it comes to the boil, wait some time for it to cool, turn off the heat and let the drink cool down naturally. Drink up to two cups of this tea a day, strained and unsweetened.


People, especially women, who have diabetes and are insulin dependent should not drink this tea, as quixaba causes a reduction in the patient’s blood sugar levels. To know with greater certainty if the tea will adapt to your body, consult a doctor and talk about your interest in using natural medicines.

Other natural options

Although quixaba is the darling in the treatment of ovarian cysts, there are also other plants that have proved effective in this case. St. Kitt’s wort, milk thistle, dandelion, red clover and wild yam roots, maca and female ginseng are some of these plants that treat ovarian cysts.