Hair loss is normal when it is between 50 and 100 hairs. On top of that, something out of the ordinary may be happening.
Causes of hair loss
There are some causes that can cause hair loss. The main ones are: genetic predisposition, non-adaptation to shampoo, use of chemicals, hair root weakening and exposure to external factors. It is also linked to the lack of a certain type of vitamin in the body, the use of medications or the development of infections.
Hair loss is considered normal when the total is between 50 and 100 hairs. Beyond that, something out of the ordinary may be happening.
Homemade Hair Loss Solutions
To deal with the problem, some homemade recipes can be used. However, if you don’t see any improvement, see a doctor. He is the best person to indicate a solution for the disorder.
jaborandi tea
Jaborandi is rich in a substance called pilocarpine, which is responsible for stimulating hair growth and preventing hair loss.
To prepare the tea, just separate the equivalent of three tablespoons of crushed leaves and a liter of water. Bring the water to a boil, when it is becoming boiling point, add the leaves and cook for about 10 minutes.
Then just turn off the heat and leave it sweltered for another 15 minutes. Before drinking, strain the tea. The recommended is to consume three cups a day.
onion tea
Onion is rich in sulfur. Its medicinal properties regenerate hair follicles, reducing hair loss and stimulating the growth of new hair.
To prepare onion tea, just boil pieces of the vegetable in a cup of water, strain and sweeten with brown sugar or honey. The infusion can also be prepared with peels. To do this, just boil it along with a cup of water for ten minutes. It is recommended to drink up to three cups a day to start noticing the results.
carrot tea
Due to the presence of carotenoids and vitamin A, carrot leaves hair stronger, hydrated and shiny.
The tea can be prepared using a medium grated carrot with skin, a small apple sliced with skin and without seeds, and half a lemon.
Put all the ingredients in a pot with a quart of boiling water. Simmer for five minutes, turn off the heat and let it sit for 10 minutes. Before ingesting, pass the drink through a sieve.