If you believe in the power of medicinal herbs, you may have heard about the use of rosemary tea for hair loss , right? In case you haven’t heard, from reading this article you will clear this and many other questions about the drink.

Whether among men or women, hair loss represents a factor of concern. To deal with the problem, whether involving health or aesthetics , some homemade solutions are indicated, especially with the preparation of teas.

However, it is important to remember that, even if it is a natural ingredient, whether to combat hair loss or any other evil, the doctor must be consulted. This will ensure safe treatment.

Rosemary tea prevents hair loss?

The rosemary is an herb that has many benefits associated with its use. Among them, stimulant, tonic and astringent. This trio of effects makes the person have healthier, more beautiful and problem-free hair.

This plant, in addition to all these benefits, also manages to strengthen the hair , reduce oiliness and even stimulate the growth of the highlights. The latter is only possible thanks to increased blood circulation, which favors the capillaries.

The indication is that the use of rosemary does not exceed once a week, to avoid an imbalance in the scalp. In addition, it is important to nourish the hair with other techniques, such as moisturizing it every 15 days, leaving the strands silkier and stronger.

How to use on hair

After knowing that rosemary tea can, yes, be used for the growth and strengthening of hair, the question now is: how to prepare? Anyone who wants to enjoy all the benefits of this plant, just prepare a tea with it.

The indication is to drink the drink and also wash your hair with it. After the liquid is applied to the scalp, it is always important to massage in a circular way, as it activates even more circulation in the capillaries.

Then just let the tea do its work, don’t wash it off for 10 or 20 minutes. Soon after, it is necessary to remove the product completely, performing a normal wash with plenty of water.

See also:  12 benefits of rosemary tea

How to prepare rosemary tea

Now it’s time to learn step by step how to prepare rosemary tea to use for hair growth and strengthening. For this you will need 200 ml of boiling water and 1 teaspoon of rosemary leaves.

Mix the boiling water and rosemary in a cup and wait 10 minutes before using. This time will be viable for the rosemary to release all its properties in the water. Right away, just remove the herb and use the tea.

In addition to drinking the rosemary tea, you can wash the locks with the drink as well. There are no restrictions regarding the state of the hair, with the strands being wet or dry, but preferably clean.

How to use rosemary tea for oily hair

For those with oil and heavy hair, rosemary tea can also help with the treatment. To do this, just prepare the strong version of rosemary tea . Just use a cup of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of dried rosemary.

Let the mixture sit for 20 minutes, strain, allow it to cool, then store in an empty shampoo bottle. After each wash, spread the tea on your hair. It is not necessary to rinse if you like the scent of rosemary.

The herb is extremely aromatic . It also contains essential oils that help control excess sebum production in the scalp. It is worth noting that the oiliness in hair is caused by the sebaceous glands, which are located just below the surface of the skin.

They secrete sebum, a mixture of fatty acids responsible for protecting the scalp. However, some people’s sebaceous glands are extremely productive, which makes their hair greasy.

See also:  5 best teas against hair loss

Factors such as high stress, hormones, inadequate diet or genetic predisposition can unbalance the production of these glands, further intensifying the problem of oiliness in the scalp.

Rosemary tea to make hair grow

From the benefits provided by rosemary, it is possible to obtain favorable hair growth. The herb is able to activate the circulation of blood to the scalp, which makes the hair grow strong and healthy.

The plant is able to dilate blood vessels by stimulating the hair follicle, making hair grow faster. Therefore, there are two ways that are seen as the most common to obtain these results:

Infusion with rosemary

To prepare this home remedy to make your hair grow you will need 1 liter of water and 35 grams of rosemary . With the help of a pot, bring the water to a boil along with the herb. Set 10 minutes and turn off the heat.

With the help of a sieve, remove all the herb used in the preparation. Once cool, place in a glass bottle. When using, you can apply directly to the scalp.

Leave the hair completely damp. Afterwards, do a circular massage and let it act for 10 minutes. Rinse with cold water and repeat the process daily to get the desired results.

rosemary essential oil

To prepare rosemary essential oil you will need half a cup of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of rosemary leaves . Using a pan, heat the oil along with the rosemary.

Let the mixture rest by covering it with a cloth for 3 days. After this time, the essential oil is ready to be used. The correct way to apply is similar to tea.

To do this, apply the oil on the scalp and then just do a circular massage with your fingers. Leave the home remedy for 10 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.

See also: Country  rosemary tea and its health benefits

Benefits of Rosemary Tea

After knowing the best ways to use rosemary for hair growth and strengthening, now is the time to get inside the other benefits of the herb.

“The rosemary tea has several purposes: to treat cholesterol, toothaches or migraines, heart disease or even in cases of cellulite. Indicated for physical and mental stress, depression, gout, rheumatism, it facilitators digestion”, says nutritionist Anita Viecelli Konrath.

Learn about the main benefits of rosemary tea:

  • Prevents respiratory diseases
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • It’s good for the intestines
  • Promotes a sense of well-being
  • Combating migraine
  • Prevents neurological diseases
  • Menstruation Stimulates
  • fights fluid retention
  • oral health

The use of rosemary tea is very old. Historical records indicate that the drink was used by the Greeks, Romans, Hebrews and Egyptians to solve problems related to blood circulation and poor digestion.

In this sense, rosemary tea has antibacterial, antioxidant, digestive and circulatory properties. It also has minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, in addition to vitamins.

See more details of the benefits of rosemary listed above:

Prevents respiratory diseases

Because it has expectorant properties, rosemary tea can be used in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases, which also include coughs, flu, colds and even asthma attacks .

Regulates blood pressure

As an herb that stimulates blood circulation, rosemary helps regulate blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension .

It’s good for the intestines

Rosemary tea is a powerful digestive act on the symptoms of poor digestion . Due to the herb’s carminative action, it also eliminates intestinal gas.

Promotes a sense of well-being

The plant has relaxing properties, being also indicated among people who suffer from stress, anxiety and to relax in general. In this way, rosemary is considered the  herb of joy.

“Its essential oils favor the production of neurotransmitters responsible for well-being. In addition, it is called natural omeprazole because it is digestive and helps in the treatment of gastritis”, says nutritionist Carol Morais.

Combating migraine

People who suffer from headaches and even migraines can use rosemary tea to eliminate these pains altogether. Speaking of uncomfortable pain, the drink can also be used to relieve rheumatic pain and to treat sprains and bruises.

Prevents neurological diseases

The presence of carnosic acid, which has neuro-protective properties, helps in reducing toxins that pollute the brain. As such, rosemary increases memory  capacity and may prevent Alzheimer’s  disease .

“In neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, rosmarinic acid can inhibit acetylcholinesterase enzymes, preventing them from degrading acetylcholine, thus increasing the concentration of this neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft”, explains Geovana Ebaid.

Stimulates menstruation

Attention women! Rosemary tea can also be used as a way to facilitate and stimulate menstruation. Ah! It can also end the discomfort caused by menstrual cramps.

Fights fluid retention

By combating problems of fluid retention and anxiety, when used in line with a balanced diet and the practice of physical activities, rosemary tea can help with the elimination of extra weight.

oral health

Finally, rosemary combats problems related to oral health, such as bad breath, thrush, stomatitis and gingivitis , in addition to fortifying the scalp, fighting dandruff and helping with skin health.

Contraindications and care

Even though it is a natural ingredient, it is good to be careful when consuming rosemary tea, as it can trigger some problems in certain groups of people.

Rosemary should be avoided by pregnant women, lactating women, people with epilepsy and patients with hypertension. Use on hair should be restricted to once a week to avoid an imbalance in the scalp.

People who are allergic or hypersensitive to rosemary, or under the age of six, should not consume the drink. Consumption is also contraindicated for people with gastroenteritis and a history of seizures.

When used in very high doses it can trigger nephritis and gastrointestinal disturbances. Therefore, it is always recommended that it be used under medical supervision .

The different sides of using rosemary

Through this article, you were able to learn much more about the benefits of rosemary, including how it can be used to strengthen and induce hair growth.

But, it is good to always keep in mind that the doctor must be consulted before starting any treatment, whether with rosemary or any other herb. This will ensure your health and fullness in your use.