Beauty depends on how good you feel. To achieve this goal, you can count on strong allies: herbs.
To do this, just prepare a tea with herbs, to enjoy all the effects they can bring to your beauty.
Beauty is a factor that depends on whether you feel good. To achieve this goal, you have to be relaxed, calm, and full of vitality and energy. At this point, call tea can help.
It is widespread around the world due to its calming properties. Drinking chamomile tea just before bed can ensure a peaceful and relaxed night’s sleep, away from insomnia.
In addition to its soothing properties, chamomile has a stimulating healing and anti-spasmodic action. It can be used as a tonic to cleanse the skin and also as a tranquilizer in cases of allergies.
Due to its properties, chamomile acts directly on the skin cells, giving it shine and removing the dry and aged appearance. If applied as a compression over the eyes, it reduces dark circles.
Preparing Chamomile Tea
To make chamomile tea, just separate a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers and leaves and half a liter of water. Bring the water to a boil and add the chamomile. Turn off the heat and wait about 15 minutes. Then just strain and drink.
Rich in minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, manganese and sodium, rooibos tea is an excellent ally for those seeking beauty and well-being.
Because it has quercetin flavonoid, constant use increases capillary strength. Furthermore, due to the concentration of antioxidants, it slows down the aging process and improves the health of the immune system.
The use of the plant can also prevent skin diseases such as eczema and acne, either by drinking the tea or applying it directly to the skin.
Due to its properties, roobois also treats and prevents various bacterial skin infections, due to the high concentrations of vitamin D and zinc, the substance keeps the skin’s interior healthy and glowing.
For hair, the herb increased hair growth.
Preparing robots tea
To make roobois tea you will need 10 grams of herb and a liter of water. Bring the water to a boil add the herb. Turn off the heat and wait about 15 minutes. Then just strain and drink.
It helps to renew tired skin, acts as an astringent and healing, invigorating the skin’s natural oils and fighting cellulite. Lemon balm is also used to treat acne.
For hair health, the herb is also highly recommended. It provides shine and lightness to hair.
Preparing Lemon Balm Tea
To prepare the tea you will need 30 grams of lemon balm leaves and flowers and a liter of water. Bring the water to a boil add the herb. Turn off the heat and wait about 15 minutes. Then just strain and drink.
Dandelion tea is used to relieve skin problems due to its high concentration of minerals, including: iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, as well as vitamins from complexes B, C, D and AND.
It also aids in the growth of body tissues and protects cells from damage, promoting healing and accelerating healing.
Because it also has a high concentration of vitamin A and carotenoids, dandelion maintains the integrity and function of skin cells and mucous membranes, repairing the skin epithelium.
Because it has antioxidant action, it fights free radicals, minimizing the risk of cancer, cardiovascular problems and prevents aging. The tea of this substance also helps with weight loss.
Preparing dandelion tea
To prepare the tea you will need two tablespoons of the herb and one liter of water. Bring the water to a boil add the herb. Turn off the heat and wait about 15 minutes. Then just strain and drink.
Mate herb
The consumption of yerba mate helps to improve the immune system, purify and detoxify the blood, fight fatigue, stimulate the mind, control appetite.
In addition to reducing the effects of debilitating diseases, it repairs hair color, delays aging, acts against stress and provides a good night’s sleep.
Yerba mate also helps with body hydration and circulation, in addition to improving skin tone.
It can also be used in the production of exfoliating creams, which increases the circulation of the skin, especially when mixed with other moisturizing ingredients, such as milk, for example.
The consumption of this herb also helps in the search for ideal weight.
Preparing yerba mate tea
To prepare the tea you will need four tablespoons of roasted yerba mate leaves and a liter of water. Bring the water to a boil add the herb. Turn off the heat and wait about 15 minutes. Then just strain and drink.