The turkey crop, scientific name Aristolochia clematitis , is a plant of the Aristolochiaceae family , and is also popularly known as mil-men, jarrinha, snake root and other names. It is a vigorous climbing plant, with unconventional flowers, thick bark and fickle, woody and branched stem.

Fast growing, the species is indicated to cover fences, arbors, trellises, arches and screens, among other supports. In addition, turkey crop is known for its medicinal properties.

Properties and benefits

The active ingredients in turkey crop include essential oil, aristolochic acid, tannins, pigments and aristoloquine

Among the medicinal properties of the plant are its relaxing, calming (acting on heart, gastric, intestinal or respiratory pain), diaphoretics, emmenagogue, febrifuge, oxytocic and stimulant.

papo de peru is used to treat a variety of health conditions, including sores, asthma, fever, diarrhea, eczema, rashes, wounds, pain, indigestion, menstrual problems, cramps, thrombosis, snakebite, and leg ulcers.

Turkey chat tea: How to prepare?

Some literature recommends the oral use of turkey crop, however, it should be noted that the plant is very toxic. Aristolochic acid is an active ingredient in some species and can paralyze the kidneys. The tea should only be used under medical advice.

The herb can be found in natural food stores. To prepare tea, just put two tablespoons of the plant in a liter of boiling water. Simmer for 10 minutes. For external use, the tea is indicated for washing wounds and can ease pain.

Contraindications and care

As already stated, turkey crop is considered a toxic plant. For this reason, it should be used with great care and only under medical advice. The contraindications and harms of this plant are:

– It should never be used during pregnancy, due to its abortive effect;
– Increases blood flow during menstruation;
– Turkey crop is contraindicated for individuals with liver problems or high blood pressure;
– May cause diarrhoea, internal bleeding and irreversible kidney and liver damage.