Home Plants Hydrangea plant tea – Benefits and properties

Hydrangea plant tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

With the scientific name Hydrastis canadensis L. , the Hidraste plant is part of the Ranunculaceae family and is known as the Yellow Root. Like many other plants, Hidraste was known by the ancients thanks to the medicinal powers that its consumption exerted in the body. Times have changed and many people have started to replace natural remedies with pharmaceuticals, however, in recent years, the number of people seeking herbal or natural alternatives to combat their ailments has increased again, as the probability of suffering serious side effects is lower, as well as contraindications.

Medicinal properties and indications

Hydrate has expectorant, digestive, astringent, febrifuge, anti-inflammatory, stimulant, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal, antiadrogenic and homeostatic properties. Thus, it is widely used in the treatment of flu, colds and coughs, being responsible for clearing the lungs and preventing nasal congestion; It relieves symptoms of digestive disorders such as heartburn, gastritis, ulcers and regulates the bowel; It lowers the degrees of fever reasonably, often even eliminating it; Reduces sore throats; Cleans the urinary tract, preventing cystitis and urine infections; Eliminates and prevents the proliferation of fungi and bacteria, reducing, in turn, the chance of suffering an infection by them; Reduces bleeding;Prevents intestinal colitis and parasites; controls menstrual flow, preventing excesses; relieves eye irritation is very effective in treating conjunctivitis; It increases immunity, preventing the body from contracting various diseases.


It consists of alkaloids, opiate, chlorogenic acid, berberastine, canadine, berberine, hydrastin, steroids, mineral salts, essential oil, resins, hydrastinin and starch.

how to use

The ideal way to gain all the benefits from the Hydrate plant is to consume it through your tea. Just heat the kettle with 1 tablespoon of Hydrangea root for every 250 ml of water. Simmer for 5 minutes, then turn off and smother the container for another 15 minutes. When the temperature is reasonably warm, sweeten and consume twice a day, before main meals.

If you are suffering from eye infections or conjunctivitis, repeat the above recipe, but let it cool completely and not sweeten. Then wash the injured eye with the liquid 3 times a day.


Hydrant tea can have side effects such as a decrease in white blood cells, a needling sensation in the hands, vomiting and nausea. Its consumption is contraindicated for pregnant women, as the plant stimulates uterine contractions, thus causing a miscarriage. Always seek medical advice and follow-up.

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