To treat and prevent poor circulation and its consequences, as well as varicose veins and hemorrhoids, the recommended recipe is tea with chestnut leaves
What is poor circulation and what causes it?
The human being has blood vessels responsible for circulating blood, oxygen and nutrients to all parts and organs of our body. If a blockage or rupture occurs, the consequences can be serious for health, such as numbness, cramps, varicose veins, thrombosis and atherosclerosis. These last two being very dangerous for the heart.
Thrombosis is characterized by the formation of clots in the blood, which can inflame and clog blood vessels. People who have this problem usually have varicose veins, spend long periods without moving, smoke or have high cholesterol, etc. Symptoms of this disease can appear in the form of pain, swelling, redness and increased temperature in the legs. In more serious situations, injuries to the skin may occur.
Another very risky disease is atherosclerosis, characterized by chronic inflammation. In these cases, there is a formation of plaques that can completely obstruct the blood vessel, depending on how big they are. Those who have high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in their blood are more likely to get this disease. In addition, those suffering from hypertension, diabetes, physical inactivity, or smokers and elderly people, may also be at risk.
Horse Chestnut to improve circulation
If you want to treat and prevent poor circulation and its consequences, as well as varicose veins and hemorrhoids, the recommended recipe is tea made with chestnut leaves. With therapeutic, prophylactic or palliative power, the spice is indicated in these cases. In addition, horse chestnut leaves have Cimarin, which potentially acts on the venous system and blood circulation.
To prepare tea you should use a tablespoon and a liter of water. Bring everything to the fire and boil for approximately 10 minutes. The best way to effectively treat poor circulation is to drink two cups of tea a day, one after lunch and the other after dinner. It is ideal to follow these tips, considering that the exaggeration of this boil can cause digestive problems. Also, pregnant or nursing women should not drink the tea.