To solve problems in the airways, nothing better than being able to count on some allied herbs.

Among the most common ailments are asthma and bronchitis, both originating in the lungs. To get rid of the diseases, the Naturopathic herbalist, André Resende, gives some guidelines.

Some plants are known for the myriad of health benefits they can provide. Therefore, before following the recipe prepared with them, learn a little more about the respiratory diseases that can be fought.


Asthma is known to be a chronic inflammatory disease, responsible for attacking the airways. In this sense, the lung of an asthmatic person has different characteristics from those of a healthy person: the bronchi are more sensitive to inflammation, reacting to the slightest sign of irritation.

Depending on how severe this sensitivity to infection may appear, asthma is classified into up to four variations. This is due to the severity that symptoms can appear, ranging from mild, persistent and mild, moderate persistent and severe persistent.

About 80% of people with asthma experience attacks when exposed to an airborne substance. The most common are: dust mites and dust, animal hair, cigarette smoke, pollution, pollen, mold, and insect particles. Other chemicals can also trigger an asthma attack.


Bronchitis is inflammation of the main air passages to the lungs. Depending on how it presents in the patient, it may be accompanied by other conditions, such as the flu or another respiratory problem. The chronic version of bronchitis needs special care.

Respiratory fundus disease can affect the patient acutely, with a relatively short duration, or chronic, and may take a long time to be cured, in addition to presenting high recurrence. Bronchitis is caused by a virus and, like asthma, is often accompanied by another viral respiratory infection, such as colds and flu.

Tea to treat lung problems, asthma and bronchitis

To solve all these problems at once, the tip is to prepare a tea with several medicinal herbs. Pay attention to all of them and, hands on!


-Pineapple peel or a pineapple slice;
-A handful of licorice;
-A handful of angico;
-A handful of tree fern fiber in leaves;
-A handful of pennyroyal;
-A handful of emburana bark;
-One liter of filtered water;
-Honey to taste to sweeten.

Method of preparation

Using a saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Once it is bubbling, turn off the heat and then add all the above ingredients at once.

Cover the pan and let it boil for about 20 minutes. After this time, use a sieve to strain and add the honey. It is recommended that the daily intake of tea be made up to five times a day.

See too:

5 teas to fight colds and flu