Originating in the Asian continent, more precisely in China and Japan, the persimmon tree is a well appreciated tree, either for its fruit or for the medicinal properties that other parts of the plant can bring, as well as the bark of the trunk, leaf and cup of the fruit, besides the fruit.

The plant belongs to the Ebenaceae family. It has deciduous, alternate and oval leaves. The flowers are slightly yellowish, while the tannin or non-tannin fruits have different shapes and colors, according to the cultivation.

The most common are those in yellow and red. Regarding the fruit, it has a soft, sweet pulp and a pleasant flavor when ripe.

medicinal properties

From the used parts of the plant, vitamins of complex A, tannins, sugars, pectins, proteins, mineral salts and lipids can be extracted. So it can be used to treat many health problems, including bladder catarrh, constipation, fever, liver, stomach, tuberculosis and airway problems.

persimmon tea

To prepare persimmon tea, just separate 200 ml of water and a handful of dry leaves. Put the water on the fire to boil, then add the plant leaves. Simmer for five minutes, turn off the heat and let it sit for another 10 minutes. The indication is that consumption does not exceed three cups a day.