Also known as anador, cerebril, chambá, carpenter, peristrophe, pingo-de-ouro, clover-do-pará and clover-cumarú, the herb of Santo Antônio belongs to the family of Acanthaceae. In natural medicine, the parts of the plant that are used in the preparation of tea are the leaves and branches.The herb of Santo Antônio is a small plant, reaching up to 40 centimeters in height. It has membranous leaves, sharp and elongated, as the flowers, they are arranged in tiny and long summits. The fruits of the Santo Antônio herb take the form of capsules.

A very striking feature of this species is the strong smell of cumani that it gives off when cut.

History of St. Anthony’s Herb

The plant originates from the Amazon region, being quite common also in the northeast, grown in vegetable gardens. St. Anthony’s herb was used for a long time in indigenous rituals. Mixed with other species it has a hallucinogenic effect.

medicinal properties

St. Anthony’s herb is widely used in folk medicine due to its medicinal properties. It has an astringent, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, anti-rheumatic and anti-hemorrhagic effect of the urinary tract. Furthermore, it also has a bronchodilator, healing, catamenial, expectorant, febrifuge, muscle relaxant, sedative and tranquilizing effect.

St. Anthony’s Herb Tea

The infusion of the plant should be prepared with a cup of hot water and a tablespoon of dried St. Anthony’s herb. Once you’ve poured the hot water into the cup, add the herb and let it sit for about five minutes. After this time, remove the herb and the drink is ready to drink. It is recommended that the consumption of St. Anthony’s herb tea be made three times a day.


The plant should be used, preferably, dry. Because it is conducive to the development of fungi that can harm health. It is also important to be told that the doctor should be consulted before the herb is included in any treatment, even if the symptoms are consistent with the indications.