Home Plants Watercress tea – Benefits and properties

Watercress tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Watercress is a plant used as food by many people around the world. This is the oldest vegetable known to be consumed by humans, and its use as food has been known since human existence. The popular herb is native to Europe and grows along streams of water. Its flavor is mildly reminiscent of the flavor of pepper and, in addition to its use as food, it can also be used for medicinal purposes.

Properties and benefits

Rich in vitamin C, watercress can provide 72% of the required amount of this vitamin in just 100 g. From there, the watercress eliminates free radicals preventing cancer and premature aging of the skin. Furthermore, it is also effective in strengthening immunity, in addition to preventing anemia and keeping bones and skin healthy. The food is also rich in vitamin K and A, fighting Alzheimer’s disease and strengthening bones, skin, eyes, hair and nails. With antioxidant action, the plant is associated with a reduction in cancer risks, proven in several studies. Because it has vitamin C, watercress can also be used to treat scurvy and cataracts.

It can be used to prevent colds and flu, to fight candidiasis and other bacteria that can happen in the colon and intestine, treats bronchitis, cough, improves digestion, prevents osteoporosis, improves the skin, fighting acne and fighting eczema and scabies .

Its consumption is an aid in diets for those who want to lose weight, as in addition to being low in calories, the food is rich in potassium and nutrients that make it an excellent complement. At just 18 calories per serving, it can help satisfy hunger to lessen the urge to eat.

watercress tea

Watercress can be eaten as a salad or cooked to take advantage of its benefits and properties. However, there is tea that can be used for anti-inflammatory purposes to fight the flu, cough, bronchitis and phlegm in the chest.

To prepare, use ½ cup of leaves and stalks, 1 tablespoon of honey and 100 ml of water. In a container, bring the water to the fire and when it comes to a boil, turn it off. Add the leaves and stalks and cover, letting it rest until warm. Strain, then add honey to sweeten and mix well. Consume 4 tablespoons of this tea 3 times a day.

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