Home Plants cat’s nail plant tea

cat’s nail plant tea

by Dianna Leon

cat ‘s claw is a  plantfrom the vine family and native to the Amazon, it can also be cultivated in other tropical climate locations such as Central America and other parts of South America (such as Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia). Scientifically known as uncaria tomentosa, it has this name due to its thorns reminding the claws of small felines. As a characteristic, it has a large shrub, which can reach up to 5 meters in height, branches that “grab” (characteristic of climbing plants), white flowers with hints of yellowing and hook-shaped thorns (the so-called “cat’s claws” ” that gave rise to its name). The Incas were responsible for the inclusion of this plant in alternative medicine, as they were the first people to use it for this purpose from its active principles. Thus, the knowledge was passed on to the indigenous peoples, who perpetuated the cure through this vine. In the case of Peru, uncaria tomentosa was considered after the 1st International Congress sponsored by the World Health Organization one of the most important medicinal herbs in the country, considered the greatest medicinal discovery since quinine.

When to use the powers of this plant…

  • In case of asthma;
  • Arthritis treatment;
  • To help with digestive system and intestinal problems (gastritis);
  • It acts as a potent anti-inflammatory, being used in cases of osteoarthritis and rheumatism;
  • Treatment of infections due to its power to improve an individual’s immunity;
  • Aids;
  • Alleviate the effects of chemotherapy (treatment that should be done in cases of tumors);
  • Herpes simplex case;
  • Diabetes;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Viruses;
  • Etc.

recipe for your tea

Tea ingredients :

– Crushed cat’s claw leaves

– Water

How to make tea:

Use the measurement of 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves to 1 liter of water. Join the two and bring to a boil. Leave the mixture on the fire for another 3 or 4 minutes after it has boiled. Remove from heat after the indicated time and let it rest for 10 minutes. Finally, strain and drink 2-3 cups a day.

Contraindications to the use of cat nail

It is not recommended to use this plant during pregnancy or lactation period. Transplant patients, carriers of autoimmune diseases, multiplied sclerosis or tuberculosis should also avoid ingesting cat’s claw. Those who have a history of peptic ulcers or gallstones should be extremely careful with this plant, as it stimulates acidic secretions from the stomach.

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