Home Health Teas for the treatment of toothache

Teas for the treatment of toothache

by Dianna Leon

Toothache is, in fact, one of the most disturbing annoyances in a person’s life. Despite all the knowledge about hygiene and other tooth care, it is not always avoidable and this ends up making many people suffer. There are many causes for toothache, and they may be related to sensitivity or another pathology. It is essential to see a doctor, however there are some natural ways to alleviate the discomfort, such as the teas that we will mention below.

Weak and intense pains

It is more common to experience the dull aches that are usually caused by sensitivity to cold, hot, or sweet foods. These pains are usually quite annoying, but they are easier to treat. Sinus sufferers may also experience pain in their upper teeth, where several are affected. In the case of intense pain, the alarm should be greater, as it indicates that something is wrong and needs attention. In general, these stronger pains are throbbing, lasting for a long time, and sometimes they don’t seem like they’re going to go away.

Regardless of the intensity of the pain, it is important to seek dental care to know how to best treat it. However, some teas are quite helpful in alleviating toothache symptoms .

Some Teas That Help Relieve Toothache

chamomile tea

Recommended for gum inflammation , toothache and fever. To make chamomile tea, bring a cup of tea to a boil and, when it comes to a boil, add a tea bag. Leave to steep for a few minutes, sweeten with honey if desired, and drink.

Sweet potato leaf tea

To relieve mild or severe toothache, boil a cup of water and add a finely chopped sweet potato leaf. Let the drink boil for a few more minutes, strain and let it cool. When it’s cold, rinse the tea with mouthwash several times a day.

macela tea

Made from an infusion, macela tea is effective in relieving terrible toothaches. Boil a cup of water and add the flowering juices of the plant to purify the liquid. After a few minutes, strain and rinse, if you prefer, just leave the liquid in your mouth for a while.

mallow tea

Alleviating the terrible symptoms of toothache with mallow tea is simple. Just rinse the warm tea in the area where it hurts the most and leave the liquid in contact with the tooth for some time. Prepare the tea by putting a cup of water to a boil and then a tablespoon of the chopped mallow leaves.

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