Acanthus, scientific name Acanthus Mollis, is one of the oldest plants grown in gardens and the Mediterranean. The plant is believed to have been the inspiration for Corinthians art. The plant belongs to the Acanthaceae family and is also known as acanthus and bear’s foot. It can reach two meters in height, and its leaves can be up to one meter long. The tubular flowers can be white, lilac or pink, and have green or purplish thorns. The plant usually blooms in late spring or early summer and prefers dry areas to live. It is propagated from tubercles and form large groups that live for decades. The plant is native to the Mediterranean region of Portugal and northwestern Africa, and eastern Croatia. In addition to being a beautiful plant used in gardens for many years, acanthus carries many health benefits, which can be used in the form of an infusion, maceration, or compress.

Benefits and properties

As a medicinal plant, acanthus has many benefits and properties, acting as an excellent astringent, analgesic, antidiarrheal, anti-inflammatory, aperient, choleretic, healing, laxative, expectorant, detersive, demulcent, and emollient.

It can be used to treat bronchitis, colocystitis, contusions, cololithiasis, hepatobiliary disorders, pharyngitis, stomatitis, eczema, vulvovaginal mucosa dystrophies, wounds, flu, herpes, vulvovaginitis, rectocolitis, colds, burns, and is excellent for regulating the flows menstrual.

It is an excellent natural medicine for the treatment of women’s intimate health problems, in addition to several other ailments.

How to prepare tea?


– a grass of dry leaves and roots
– a cup of water

In a container, put the water and bring it to a boil. Meanwhile, in a cup, add the dried leaves and roots and set them aside. When the water starts to boil, pour over the leaves and roots and cover, leaving it to rest for 10 minutes. Then strain and consume twice a day.

It can also be used externally for poultices, compresses, and washing. For a poultice, wash the leaves and apply to the wound. The wounds can be washed with the maceration of finely chopped leaves or with the tea made in the procedure shown above, and however, instead of ingesting, it will be used externally.

See too:

5 teas to cure colds and flu