Check out some teas that can improve the body’s energy levels by helping to maintain attention and focus on daily activities.
Teas to boost energy
In addition to these measures, therefore, we can consume teas that act on the body in different ways, offering, in addition to energy, many other health benefits. Check out:
Black tea
To start the day, nothing better than a cup of black tea. This tea contains stimulant elements such as caffeine, thus helping to increase your mood and energy early on. In tea, the release of stimulants is slower than in coffee, which makes you more willing to carry out activities throughout the day, and not with energy spikes, as is the case with coffee. This tea is also excellent for those who need to improve memory and attention.
Ginger and Cinnamon Tea
Cinnamon and ginger form a highly energetic combination as the two ingredients have stimulating and thermogenic properties. The tea makes you feel more energetic for a few hours, besides being excellent for those who want to lose weight. Consume in small portions during the day, even cold, but do not take at the end of the day, in the evening and at night, as this can significantly interfere with sleep. For this tea, boil for about 5 minutes, 1 liter of water, 5 slices of ginger and three cinnamon sticks.
mallow tea
Mallow helps to eliminate the feeling of tiredness, in addition to improving muscle pain, leaving the mind more alert and the body more active, with much more energy.
Specialties tea
Mix the same measure of dried fennel, cinnamon stick and mustard seeds in a container. Always use a teaspoon for every cup of water.
This tea stimulates the body increasing the feeling of energy, but also combating muscle pain. Precisely for this reason it is very suitable for those who exercise intensely, or who feel a lot of pain during the day. It acts as a natural stimulant and analgesic.