Yarrow better known as yarrow is a perennial plant that has its origins marked in Europe and Asia. Its hemostatic, ie anti-hemorrhagic, value is known and appreciated by the ancient Greeks. Currently, through several researches and studies, this herb has become an excellent agent for the better functioning of digestion and circulation. In addition to acting as an ally of the respiratory, immune, urinary and reproductive systems. Not to mention the benefits that its application externally can provide to the health of the body.But, before understanding how these leaves work in the body and how to prepare the ideal infusion to achieve the herb’s benefits, get to know the beneficial actions that make this plant an eternal human ally.

Yarrow Beneficial Actions

With the scientific name achillea millefolium , this plant contains beneficial properties in all its aerial parts, which implies that both its leaves and flowers can be used in infusions. They have, among many other actions, diuretic capacity, bitter tonic, diaphoretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and digestive. In addition, it is considered analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, antimicrobial and antihistamine.

The uses of tea with yarrow

  1. Circulation: Anyone with a fever can make use of hot Yarrow tea, as this drink can increase perspiration and thus eliminate high temperatures. Other actions related to circulation are to lower blood pressure and lessen the tension of leg cramps and varicose veins;
  2. Immune System: Problems such as arthritis and allergies develop when the body’s immune system is weakened. Drinking tea increases the vitality of this system and strengthens it, thus eliminating these and other diseases such as measles and chickenpox. In addition, it works to cleanse toxins through the skin and kidneys;
  3.  Digestion: People who have a lack of appetite, gas, spasms or indigestion, should make use of tea from this plant to eliminate these problems. This drink also helps in digestion and better absorption of food, protecting the intestine from infections and treating possible diarrhea;
  4. Urinary system: It is useful in the treatment of incontinence as it treats and relieves the irritable bladder, as well as strengthens the muscles of this organ;
  5. Externally: It is not necessary to drink this tea to enjoy the benefits. The properties present in this plant can treat and cure cuts, burns, wounds, ulcers, varicose veins, skin diseases and even hemorrhoids. In addition to being associated with the treatment of gingivitis;
  6. Respiratory system: Say goodbye to colds, flu and congestion. Not to mention its antihistamine effect that treats allergies;
  7. Reproductive system: In addition to all this, Yarrow is an ally of women’s intimate health, as it regulates the menstrual cycle and excessive bleeding, and reduces the symptoms of Premenstrual Tension (PMS).

How to prepare and drink tea?

Set aside 10 to 15 g of fresh leaves and bring to low heat with a liter of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and then allow it to cool. Then take three cups a day unsweetened. In this way, with continuous treatment, you can achieve your goals.


Pregnant women and people allergic to this plant should not use this tea.