Rhinitis is a very uncomfortable condition, featuring the persistent runny nose, unwanted sneezing, nasal blockage, and that never-ending itchy nose. It happens as an immunological reaction to foreign particles that are inhaled, including pollen and dust, the latter being the main responsible for allergic rhinitis attacks. In the treatment of symptoms, a good option to end rhinitis is licorice tea.

Licorice tea for rhinitis treatment

When rhinitis is caused by allergies, licorice tea proves to be very effective in its treatment, as it is anti-inflammatory and, consequently, improves the inflammation of the nasal mucosa. In addition to rhinitis, the tea from this plant is also used to treat other allergies, bronchitis, asthma, diabetes, peptic ulcers, hepatitis, etc. for having expectorant, antiulcer, antiallergic and antitussive properties. The drink works by improving the functioning of the organs in our body, especially the liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands.


Originating in Southern Europe and the East, licorice was already used as a medicine by ancient peoples living in Egypt. Its use was quite recurrent, after all, the plant is full of medicinal properties, presenting, in addition to the aforementioned, positive effects such as anti-anemic, antispasmodic, laxative, hepatotoxic and is also capable of reducing triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the body.

But pay attention…

Licorice tea should not be consumed indiscriminately, as it may react with some of the patient’s preexisting conditions. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and individuals with anemia should not drink tea without a prescription. On the other hand, people who suffer from hypertension, arrhythmias, glaucoma and edema should avoid using this plant as much as possible.

Licorice Tea Recipe

To make a powerful licorice tea, boil 1.5 liters of water and then remove from heat by adding two tablespoons of the herb. Smother, leaving the mixture to steep for approximately 10 minutes. Then just strain and drink the tea two to three times a day.

Alternative: Another way to make tea is using the powdered roots of the plant. Mix 2 tablespoons in half a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes and turn off so that it remains infused for another 10 minutes. After that, just strain it well and consume one cup in the morning on an empty stomach and another after the main meals.