Discover the tea that melts body fat, promoting weight loss when associated with healthy practices.
Also bet on thermogenic foods, that is, that speed up the metabolism. Oh, and don’t forget: it’s really important to consume a lot of water, as no drinks, not even teas, can replace drinking natural water, right?
If you are already aware of all this, you are making an effort to lose weight, but even so you are a little “stagnant” in weight, tea can be the solution. Do you want to know the tea that melts fats? Check out!
Tea to eliminate fat
Making tea is actually quite simple. Check-out:
– 2 tablespoons of hibiscus
– 2 tablespoons of grated ginger
– 1 liter of water
– Orange blossom honey to sweeten
In a container, put the water on fire to heat, but turn off before it starts to boil. Then add the ginger and cover, letting it sit in a muted state for approximately five minutes. Then add the hibiscus and cover for another five minutes. After this period, strain and consumption, preferably without sweetening. If you feel the need, sweeten it with orange blossom honey.
The recommended dose is four cups of tea a day, as this will improve the effects of the drink.
Hibiscus helps burn fat as it is a metabolism stimulant. In addition, it has digestive and diuretic action, helping to combat fluid retention and swelling from poor digestion. It also helps fight free radicals, which cause premature aging, and acts as an anti-inflammatory, regulating inflamed tissues and promoting healthy weight loss.
Ginger, in turn, is a thermogenic food that results in increasing body temperature during digestion, the burning of calories, even if there are no changes in diet or physical activity. It acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, as well as hibiscus, in addition to being bactericidal, fighting various diseases.