Do you know or have used any tea for urinary tract infections ? This problem is usually treated with antibiotics, which can cause some health problems when used frequently.

Due to the increasing demand for a healthier life, especially without the use of so many synthetic medicines, more and more people are joining the use of teas to treat various health problems.

There are several natural recipes that are suitable for this type of infection, which can affect the entire urinary tract and cause severe pain. These drinks have diuretic and antibacterial effects, which address the source of the problem.

In this Tea Benefits article , you will find out which are the six best teas to treat the problem, how to prepare them, and find out which ones can be used during pregnancy. Check out!

Teas that treat urinary tract infection

  • parsley tea
  • mastic tea
  • Carqueja tea
  • avocado leaf tea
  • dandelion tea
  • Lavender tea.

These options are infusions that have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects .

The first types increase the volume of urine produced by the body, making it easier to expel bacteria that attack the body. The other effects act directly on the cause of the infection and provide relief from symptoms .

See below for more details on the six best teas for urinary tract infections. Also, find out how they act in the body, how to prepare them and the correct way to ingest them throughout the day.

parsley tea

Parsley ( Petroselinum crispum ) is a herb widely used in cooking. However, it also has several medicinal properties, the main one being the effect on the health of the kidneys.

The parsley tea is a powerful natural diuretic , besides being rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds.

This makes the infusion increase the volume of urine , fight the bacteria causing the infection, reduce the symptoms of the disease and even protect the urinary tract.

The vitamin C present in the herb stimulates the immune system, helping the body to fight and protect itself from harmful bacteria and decreasing the use of synthetic medications that have negative side effects. (1, 2, 3)

Find out how to prepare and consume this powerful tea for urinary tract infections and get rid of the disease quickly.


  • 4 tablespoons of fresh parsley leaves
  • 2 cups of filtered water.

Method of preparation:

First, wash the parsley leaves well to remove any impurities. Then bring the water to the fire until it starts to bubble.

Soon after, turn off the heat and add the parsley, covering the pan and leaving the infusion to rest for about 10 minutes.

Then strain the leaves and the tea is ready to drink. Ideally, the drink is not sweetened with sugar, but the strong flavor of the parsley may make many give up on the infusion. For this you can add a spoon of honey.

The tea should be consumed at most three times a day , preferably after meals and only while the symptoms of infection last. Parsley cannot be consumed by anyone who uses anticoagulants or diuretics, as it enhances their effects.

Pregnant or nursing women should also avoid the herb as it has abortifacient effects and contains substances that reduce milk production.

mastic tea

The tea prepared with the leaves of the plant popularly known as aroeira or pink pepper ( Schinus terebinthifolius ) is traditionally used as a treatment for various types of infections.

This is due to the antibacterial and antioxidant properties found in the essential oil of aroeira. This substance is extracted from the leaves during the infusion process.

Aroeira is responsible for inhibiting the proliferation of different types of bacteria, especially those that cause urinary tract infections. At the same time, the herb protects the organs on account of its antioxidant effect.

Therefore, it is very suitable for those who suffer from recurrent urinary infections . Where the use of antibiotics can make bacteria more resistant. Check out how to prepare this infusion! (4, 5)


  • 50 grams of mastic leaves
  • Half a liter of filtered water.

Method of preparation:

Bring the water to the fire and when it starts to bubble, turn it off and add the mastic. The leaves can be whole or in powder form. Leave the drink to brew for about 5 minutes, strain and it is ready for consumption.

It is recommended to drink only one cup of the infusion a day , which can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. However, it is necessary to be aware that, like any herb, aroeira has contraindications.

The mastic tea should not be used by those suffering from rheumatic pains and pregnant for the first three months of pregnancy. That’s because, the herb causes muscle contractions that can lead to miscarriage.

Carqueja tea

Another tea that is very effective in treating urinary tract infections is carqueja ( Baccharis trimera ). Most of this is related to the herb’s antibacterial and analgesic effects , which lessen infection while relieving pain.

In addition, carqueja has properties to stimulate the production of urine, making the body able to get rid of bacteria and toxins. All this without counting the antioxidant effect of this drink.

In practice, this makes the body more resistant to infections and prevents more serious damage to the body. Learn how to prepare and drink this infusion! (6, 7)


  • 1 spoon of carqueja leaves
  • 1 cup of filtered water.

Preparation method:

The first step in preparing the infusion is to boil the water. When it is bubbling, turn it off and add the herb. Leave it to rest for the essential oils to be extracted.

Finally, just strain and consume the tea without sweetening. If you can’t find the carqueja leaves, you can use the sachets found in natural food stores and supermarkets.

Carqueja should also not be used by pregnant women, at any stage of pregnancy, as it contains substances that hinder the development of the fetus. In addition, those who use diuretic medications need to undergo medical advice.

avocado leaf tea

The avocado leaves of tea ( Persea americana ) also proves to be quite effective in treating this type of infection.

Firstly, this is due to the presence of antibacterial compounds, which fight the proliferation of bacteria in the body. Second, the leaves of the tree are rich in antioxidant and diuretic compounds.

This makes it treat the cause of the infection, promotes the expulsion of toxic substances from the body through the urine, and protects the urinary tract from damage caused by the disease. Check out how to prepare! (1, 8)


  • 5 avocado leaves
  • Half a liter of water.

Preparation method:

This tea must be prepared using the decoction process. That is, cooking the leaves to extract all their medicinal properties.

That said, bring the water to the fire already with the leaves. When it starts bubbling, cook for 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Afterwards, cover the pot and keep the tea resting for another 10 minutes.

After that, just strain, sweeten with honey and drink it still warm. It is also necessary to be careful not to drink more than two cups of tea a day and not to keep the tea for more than 24 hours so that it does not lose its medicinal properties.

Excessive consumption of tea can cause a drop in blood pressure and blood glucose. This infusion should also not be consumed by pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding because of the risk of miscarriage or decreased milk production.

dandelion tea

The tea tooth of dandelion leaves ( Taraxacum officinale ) has diuretic properties and antioxidants. And it is mainly composed of flavonoids, tannins and carotenoids.

These substances help keep the urinary tract healthy and free from infection . The herb’s diuretic effect is enhanced by the high level of potassium found in it, which increases the volume of urine while preventing dehydration.

Learn to follow the correct way to prepare and consume dandelion tea on a daily basis.(9, 10)


  • 1 tablespoon of dandelion leaves
  • Half a liter of filtered water.

Method of preparation:

Bring the water to a boil until it comes to a boil. Once that’s done, turn off the heat, add the dandelion leaves and let the infusion muffled for about 5 minutes. After that time, just strain it, sweeten it with honey and drink it still warm.

The tea should be consumed a maximum of three cups per day . People who use diuretic or high blood pressure medications need to be careful, as the herb enhances their effects.

Finally, this infusion is also contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Especially because of the risks of causing the fetus to develop poorly.

lavender tea

Lavender, as lavender is popularly known ( Lavandula angustifolia ), is widely used by the perfume industry and as a natural tranquilizer.

However, among the various properties found in the herb’s essential oil are the antibacterial, antiseptic and diuretic effects , making it a complete and natural treatment for urinary tract infections.

When consumed, the infusion works to eliminate the bacteria that cause the infection. In addition, the increase in urine volume promotes the elimination of toxins more quickly.

Learn below how to prepare and drink lavender tea correctly , as well as some precautions with consumption. (11)


  • 1 tablespoon of lavender leaves
  • Half a liter of water.

Method of preparation:

Bring the water to a boil. Once this is done, remove the pan from the heat, add the lavender and cover so that the herb’s essential oils are extracted. After 5 minutes, simply strain, sweeten with honey and drink it warm or iced.

The ideal is to consume a maximum of two cups of the infusion a day. Because the drink has calming effects, which can cause drowsiness in sensitive people.

Like any other tea with a diuretic effect, it is necessary to be careful with its consumption, especially when associated with medication for hypertension. Therefore, in these cases it is important to seek medical advice.

Pregnant women should avoid consuming lavender during the first three months of pregnancy. After that time, the herb is only released under medical supervision, there are risks of malformation of the fetus.

Teas to Fight Urinary Infection During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the risk of urinary tract infection increases because of the compression of the bladder by the uterus. The disease can even cause complications for the pregnancy.

It is known that during pregnancy a woman cannot consume different types of teas, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, when the risks of miscarriage and malformation are greater.

But there are some infusions allowed during pregnancy , such as tea with pineapple peel. Find out what the benefits are and how to prepare the drink correctly.

Pineapple Peel Tea

Due to the diuretic and antibacterial effects of bromelain, an enzyme found in fruit and peel, this infusion is indicated for the natural treatment of urinary tract infections during pregnancy.

This tea works by increasing the production of urine and favoring the disposal of substances and microorganisms that are toxic to the body.

Thus, there is an inhibition of the growth of bacterial colonies responsible for the symptoms of the disease. What results in an improvement without the need to use synthetic drugs. (12)


  • Peel of a medium pineapple
  • 1 liter of water.

Preparation method:

First, wash the pineapple skin well to remove any impurities. Soon after, bring the water to a boil. When it starts bubbling, add the skins and cook for 10 minutes.

After time, blend everything in a blender until it is a smooth mixture, strain and is ready to drink. This infusion can be drunk while still hot or cold.

Even though it is safe to consume during pregnancy, it is necessary to be careful with this drink. You should never drink more than two cups a day , because of the high sugar level in pineapple. For this reason, women who have gestational diabetes should avoid it.

What is it and how to prevent urinary tract infection?

You have seen several tea options for urinary tract infections, a disease when bacteria that normally live in the vagina and anus migrate to the bladder.

According to the Ministry of Health, this type of infection is more common in women. The main symptoms of the disease are burning when urinating, wanting to urinate several times in a short time, bloody urine and abdominal pain.

To avoid the disease, the Ministry recommends, mainly, drinking plenty of water and not holding urine . These two actions cause the bacteria to be discarded and not migrate to the urinary tract.