Teas are very popular for causing a feeling of relaxation and well-being in the body. However, scientific studies have proven that, in addition to being tasty and relaxing, they have several medicinal benefits to the body and health, according to the regularity they are ingested. Caapeba tea is an example of what we are talking about. With the scientific name of Pothomorphe peltatal , the plant is popularly called malvarisco, catajé or pariparoba. Its medicinal properties make it frequently searched for on the internet for online shopping and in health food stores.
What is Caapeba for?
Its diuretic property is responsible for making the bladder work better, so the person eliminates not only urine, but also toxins and bacteria present in the body. Thus, capapeba is mainly known for fighting urinary infections and cystitis. With that the organism ends up being “clean”, avoiding many future harms. Another benefit brought about by the diuretic property of caapeba is that, with the elimination of urine, body swelling decreases, so it is an excellent way to dry the belly and deflate the body.
The laxative property found in the plant also brings several benefits to the body, such as alleviating digestive problems, stomach pains, caused by incorrect nutrition, and also helps the intestine to work in a more regular and regulated way. With the intestine working properly, in addition to losing weight, the person gains more courage and willingness to perform their daily activities. The same can be said of its clearing properties.
Caapeba also has tonic properties, responsible for stimulating the body to work well and fortifying it. If taken regularly, the feeling of tiredness and weakness is considerably reduced, in addition to stimulating cell production and tissue recovery.
Its sudorific property is, as the name suggests, responsible for causing sweating. As well as the laxative and diuretic properties, sudorific encourages the body to eliminate toxic substances and bacteria through sweating through the skin.
Because it has an anti-inflammatory property, caapeba is also widely consumed by athletes and people who practice physical activities regularly, as it relieves muscle pain and possible inflammation.
How to prepare caapeba tea?
To consume caapeba tea and obtain the benefits mentioned above, just place a kettle containing 750 ml of water and 30 g of caapeba on the fire. Simmer for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and smother it to warm. When the temperature is right for consumption, drink a cup of tea three times a day, preferably before main meals.
It is important to emphasize that the consumption of caapeba is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Some people may experience side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, fever, cramps, tremors, allergies and headaches. If you experience any unwanted effects, discontinue use immediately and seek medical advice.