Some natural teas are excellent for relaxing . They are the best options for calming and letting go of stress, anxiety and nervousness. In this article you will learn which plants produce the most soothing infusions and discover the benefits of each.

Here you will also know which is the best tea to fight anxiety and nervousness. In addition, there are soothing teas that are very good to help you sleep, fighting insomnia and the stress that drives away sleep.

One advantage of Brazil is that it is a country full of herbs with calming powers. In fact, some of them have a slightly sedative effect . Therefore, they are able to calm the nervous system in times of great tension, nervousness and agitation.

As one of the best natural medications for calming the moods and nervous activity of the brain, teas could be the key to improving your life. Without further ado, check out the list and benefits of tranquilizing teas.

Teas to relax: See list

It is possible to find various herbs, seeds and roots capable of producing teas with a calming effect. Despite the wide variety, here is a list of the best teas to relax. Look:

  • chamomile tea
  • rosemary tea
  • Lemon balm tea
  • valerian tea
  • lime tea
  • Mint tea
  • passion fruit tea
  • pepper tea
  • lettuce tea

Learn more about these drinks

As promised, let’s talk a little about each of these teas. This way, you will get to know the calming properties of each one of them. This will make it easier for you to choose the best relaxing tea for you.

Our aim is to show that there is a scientific basis that proves that they have calming properties. Many people say that the power of teas is a myth, but they are very wrong. In addition to the calming benefit, there are several other benefits of drinking this beverage.

See also:  Mulungu tea promises to calm and relax

chamomile tea

It’s impossible not to start talking about the most famous soothing tea: chamomile tea . The calming power of Matricaria recutita (scientific name for chamomile) is proven by medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, many calming and antidepressant remedies are made from the properties of this plant.

Chamomile makes a very recommended tea for the purpose of stressful or very busy days. It has substances that reduce brain nerve activity , thus decreasing mental agitation. When consumed hot, tea also helps to relax muscles and decrease muscle tension.

It is noteworthy that, in some regions of Brazil, chamomile can be found under the name Margaça or Macela.

Recipe: In a saucepan, put 1 cup of plain water and wait for it to heat up. When bubbles form at the bottom of the pan, turn off the heat. Add 1 tablespoon of chamomile and cover. Leave on for 10 minutes. Then strain, drink lukewarm and sugar-free.

Other benefits:

  • Decreases hyperactivity, including in children
  • relieves stress
  • Helps to fall asleep
  • Helps the treatment of anxiety
  • Decreases nausea and nausea
  • Controls digestion and helps treat ulcers and gastritis
  • Relieves menstrual cramps
  • Has anti-inflammatory effect
  • Speeds up wound recovery
  • Improves skin quality
  • Fights bad breath

rosemary tea

Rosemary is a plant native to the Mediterranean, but there are many herb plantations in Brazil. It has been studied by medicine and pharmacists (and is still being) thanks to its medicinal properties. Among them, the calming effect.

Rosemary tea has a mild aroma and can be used both to stimulate the body in the morning and calm it down at night. It is a very potent tea when it comes to reducing stress and nervousness.

Thus, it is an efficient alternative for very stressful days or to be taken before important presentations and events that may make you nervous.

Recipe: Heat 1 cup of water and allow it to boil. Turn off the heat and add 1 tablespoon of rosemary. Leave covered for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink. If you prefer to sweeten it, choose 1 tablespoon of honey instead of sugar. Remember that sugar is a stimulant and can negate the tranquilizing effect of tea.

Other benefits:

  • Controls blood pressure
  • Fights flu and cough
  • Help with asthma attacks
  • Aid in digestion
  • It is a diuretic (combats fluid retention)
  • Help in the treatment of urinary tract infections
  • Relieves bone pain
  • Decreases the pain of cramps
  • Eliminates gases
  • Fights bad breath

Lemon balm tea

Lemon balm is also a plant well known for its tea capable of inducing sleep and reducing stress. It is very effective when taken half an hour before going to bed at night, as it influences the nervous system to prepare for rest.

The substances present in the composition of lemon balm have a slightly sedative effect. In other words, it can anaesthetize the body and the body in general a little. The muscles are relaxed and brain activity starts to slow down. This decreases agitation and causes sleep.

Recipe: Heat 1 cup of water and turn off the heat. Add 1 tablespoon of lemon balm and leave the infusion covered for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink without sugar. Always drink at night, as if consumed during the day it can reduce productivity and cause sleep.

Other benefits:

  • Relieve headaches
  • Prevents Digestive Disorders
  • Fights the gases
  • Menstrual releases and intestinal cramps
  • Relieve cough
  • Prevents kidney disease
  • Causes a feeling of well-being

valerian tea

The valerian tea is used since ancient times as a soothing medicine. This potential has been proven with the advancement of medicine. Today, valerian is considered one of the herbs with the greatest tranquilizing potential.

It is a drink that can be used both to relieve stress and to fight insomnia . Its composition acts almost completely on the body, relaxing mind and body.

Recipe: In a saucepan, add 1 cup of water until it boils. Turn off the heat and add 1 tablespoon of valerian. Leave the infusion capped for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink lukewarm. Do not add sugar.

Other benefits:

  • Fights anxiety
  • Controls blood pressure
  • Relieve menstrual cramps
  • Hyperactivity decreases in children
  • It helps in the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

lime tea

Lime tea also has an effective calming effect. The lime is a common herb in the northern hemisphere of the planet, whose environment is conducive to its development.

However, there are numerous varieties of the plant and some of them can be found in Brazil. She can cross quite easily which makes it a daunting task to identify all the varieties already cultivated. However, there are records of forty different species of it.

Recipe: Add 2 tablespoons of chopped herb to 1 liter of hot water. Leave the infusion capped for 10 minutes. Strain and, if you prefer, sweeten with 1 spoon of honey. It is recommended to consume 2 to 3 cups a day.

Other benefits:

  • Helps in treating high blood pressure
  • Fights anxiety
  • Relieves bronchitis symptoms
  • Prevents and treats flu and measles
  • Help in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Fights skin infections
  • Eliminates phlegm
  • Aid in digestion
  • Relaxes tensed muscles
  • Relieves migraines and hangovers

Mint tea

Mint tea is quite common, flavorful and helps to calm down. Few people know about this benefit, but it is proven.

The properties present in mint have a relaxing capacity, but only when the tea is consumed hot or lukewarm. They work by warming the neck and head region, thus decreasing nervous activity and tension in the shoulders and neck itself .

Recipe: Add 1 tablespoon of chopped mint leaves to 1 cup of hot water. Leave the infusion capped for 5 to 10 minutes. Then strain and drink without sugar. This tea should be consumed twice a day, maximum.

Other benefits:

  • Aid in digestion
  • Relieves nausea and vomiting
  • Decreases the headache
  • Relieves menstrual cramps
  • Treats nasal and pulmonary congestion
  • Help in treating diarrhea
  • Fights bad breath

See also:  Cava kava tea is effective in treating depression

passion fruit tea

That passion fruit is the fruit known for its calming effect everyone knows. But did you know that you can make passion fruit tea? That’s right. And the best: full of nutrients for the body and a super relaxing effect.

Passion fruit has sedative, calming, analgesic, refreshing action , which reduces blood pressure, tonic for the heart. In addition, it relaxes blood vessels, which decreases spasms. It is also an antioxidant and has diuretic properties.

Recipe: Remove the pulp from 1 passion fruit, then place in a pan with 2 cups of hot water and 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Wait 10 minutes and turn off the heat. Then strain and drink without sugar.

Other benefits:

  • Relieves anxiety
  • Help in treating depression
  • Combat insomnia
  • Decreases nervousness and agitation
  • Decreases hyperactivity in children
  • Helps in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease
  • Relieves menstrual pain
  • Decreases headaches
  • Lowers high blood pressure caused by stress
  • relax the muscles

pepper tea

Have you ever heard of pepper tea? It may surprise you to learn that it is possible to make tea with this plant, even more so that it produces a soothing tea. But that’s exactly what you read: pepper tea helps calm the nerves and the body.

Pepper has a tranquilizing and relaxing effect due to vitamin C in its composition. In addition, they contain endorphins, a substance created by the body that is related to happiness and well-being.

Recipe: Add 1 tablespoon of pepper (can be black or cayenne) to 1 cup of hot water. Cover for 10 minutes. Then strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink it warm and slowly.

Other benefits:

  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves body and head pain
  • improves circulation
  • Helps to treat sore throats
  • It’s anti-inflammatory
  • fights cough
  • Helps you lose weight faster

lettuce tea

Here we have another very unusual tea, as most people think that lettuce is only meant to be eaten in a salad. It is possible to make tea with this leafy vegetable, which in addition to being rich in nutrients, helps a lot to calm the nerves.

Lettuce also has a substance called letucarium, which is directly linked to body relaxation and mood. The lettuce tea thus promotes a sense of well-being and calm, being a potent natural tranquilizer.

Lettuce tea is rich in vitamins and minerals. Among the main ones are vitamin C, which helps to increase the body’s defense. It also has magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. There is also calcium in its composition, which is good for bones.

Recipe: Bring 1 liter of water to the fire and turn it off as soon as it starts to boil. Add 5 lettuce leaves and cover for 10 minutes. Then remove the leaves and drink the infusion still warm. This tea can be drunk cold as well, but its calming effect is stronger when warm or hot.

Other benefits:

  • It’s antioxidant
  • improves eyesight
  • It has very few calories
  • Boosts immunity
  • improves healing
  • Speeds up metabolism
  • Prevents anemia
  • improves breathing
  • sleep improves
  • Promotes satiety and controls hunger

What is the best tea for anxiety attacks?

In general, any tea with a calming effect will be beneficial in case of anxiety attacks. This is because anxiety is caused by nervous system agitation, which can be a consequence of anxiety itself as a disease or some event that causes agitation.

However, after a lot of research, we found that rosemary tea can be very beneficial in cases of anxiety. Let’s explain to you why.

The properties of rosemary act directly on nerve endings and blood circulation. A good cup of this tea even increases the temperature in the chest and neck, which helps to control breathing and relax the muscles.

An effective way to use rosemary tea for this purpose is to drink it and sit or lie down in a comfortable place. After that, inhale and exhale only through the nose and count 4 seconds each.

Nervousness: best teas to calm the mind

Have that important presentation at work or college and can’t keep your nerves calm? Do you have a very important event coming up in your life, like the arrival of a baby? We know there are many reasons why nervousness can arise. However, we also know that teas can be the solution.

See the list of the best teas to calm the mind , get rid of nervousness, without causing drowsiness:

  • black pepper tea
  • cayenne pepper tea
  • mint tea
  • rosemary tea
  • lemon balm tea

These teas even have a calming effect even if taken cold or iced. This even facilitates its consumption outside the home. So if you’re a nervous or anxious person, let’s give you a hint.

Prepare tea the day before the event or important occasion that is making you nervous. Refrigerate and leave overnight. The next day, put it in a small bottle and take the tea with you.

Drink 1 hour before the presentation or test . And consume it with any food of your choice. It will help to lessen tension and calm you down.

What is the best tea for sleeping?

Among the teas we’ve posted in this article, most serves to help induce sleep, but the most prominent place goes to chamomile, lime, lettuce and lemon balm teas . Even the first two can be prepared as one, creating a potent drink to fall asleep.

It is noteworthy that each of the teas mentioned in this article can be of great help when it comes to inducing sleep. But since every organism is different, let’s show you a recipe that’s a “shoot and drop” for anyone! See the sleeping tea recipe:

Sleeping tea recipe (chamomile and lime)

In a saucepan, place 1 liter of cold water, 1 tablespoon of lime, 1 tablespoon of chamomile and 1 teaspoon of cloves. Wait until it reaches boiling point and then turn off the heat. Leave covered for 10 minutes. Strain and drink half an hour before bedtime.

This tea is actually very effective in inducing sleep in a healthy and natural way. It acts directly on the nervous system,  promoting calm and relaxation in the abdomen and neck region.

See also:  The best teas to prepare at night

Tea for insomnia during pregnancy

Insomnia can be very recurrent in pregnant women, especially first-time pregnant women. This can happen for a number of reasons. The main ones are hormonal changes, physical change, body aches and stress.

Teas are the best options in these cases, as they are natural drinks that do not negatively affect health. Among the options, lettuce tea is the most recommended during pregnancy. This is because it induces sleep without causing any harm to the baby.

Insomnia in pregnancy is very common especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. This tea can also be consumed by children over 6 months of age.

However, it is very important to buy a quality lettuce for making tea. This is because the product with pesticides can harm pregnancy and the baby. Look for lettuce from organic gardens . Prefer those that have firm leaves, without dark spots and very green. And always remember to wash before making tea.

Teas for children to sleep

Children can also experience periods of insomnia, which can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, teething, disease and hormonal changes. Teenagers also suffer from insomnia, especially during puberty.

If your child is experiencing long periods of not being able to sleep, teas may be the solution. In particular, there are two very good teas for children and teenagers: chamomile tea and lettuce tea.

Both are natural teas that pose no risk to children’s health. Chamomile tea can be used by little ones between the age of 5 and 10 years. The drink soothes, induces sleep and reduces hyperactivity.

Lettuce tea, as already mentioned, can be consumed even by babies over 6 months old. A few sips of natural lettuce tea cause children to decrease nervous system activity and induce sleep in an easy and healthy way. But remember, no added sugar or sweetener.


Teas can indeed be beneficial for children and teenagers. But just like doing good, using the wrong way can do harm. There are two very important precautions when it comes to tea consumption by children.

First, children and teenagers should not consume teas constantly : Some types of tea interfere with metabolism, which can harm the body in younger people. Children should not drink tea on a daily basis.

Also, do not use sugar in children’s tea. That’s because sugar is a stimulating substance, which completely nullifies the calming benefit of teas.

Lavender tea: relaxing flavor and aroma

Lavender tea is a tea that helps to induce sleep, but it has a peculiarity of its own: its aroma is also relaxing. That’s right! The scent of lavender tea soothes the body and mind, also providing better nights sleep.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia or Lavandula officinalis) is a plant known mainly for its smell. It is super easy to find in the market hygiene products, cleaning products and perfumes with lavender scent.

However, it also has medicinal and therapeutic uses. Widely used for insomnia, stress, flu, colds, fever, anxiety, lavender also helps in cases of digestive problems.

Recipe: Boil 1 cup of water and turn off the heat. Add 1 tablespoon of dried lavender leaves and leave the infusion capped for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink warm.

How to use: Prepare tea at night so that the aroma of lavender rises throughout the house. When ready, drink the tea, but leave some in the bottom of the cup. Take it to the bedroom and leave it by the bed. If the tea is cold, it can be reheated using the stove or microwave.

Inhaling the scent of lavender is effective in inducing sleep. Laboratory tests across the planet have shown that the plant’s scent acts on the nervous system.

The smell of this tea promotes relaxation, sedation and slows down the response speed of electroencephalograms (EEGs), which is the electrical activity of the brain. In addition, the aroma reduces heart rate and improves mood.