If you ask some women about their desires, surely one of the most heard answers will be to lose a few pounds. The dictatorship of beauty, or thinness, if some prefer, is really relentless with them. In order to achieve the goal, many resort to the most diverse techniques, diets and exercises, all to conquer the body of their dreams. But, natural medicine has some substances that will help you in this achievement.

Despite being the majority, women are not the only ones to show this greed for weight loss. Men are also taking care of themselves more and more. Whether for him or her, the ingredients that will appear below have no contraindications, as they are natural substances. But, it is good to consult your doctor to find the right dosage for each case, and also combine other treatments with natural medicine, as it is not a miracle treatment.

slimming teas

In this specific case, the tips that will help to eliminate weight come from the preparation of teas. After water, the drink is considered one of the most consumed in the world. There is tea for all ailments: preventing and treating illnesses, providing a feeling of relaxation and so on. The important thing is to prepare correctly and take precautions not to overdose.

hibiscus tea

The tea made from the use of hibiscus flower helps to lower blood pressure, lose weight and reduce the waistline. It is recommended that the drink should be ingested before meals, as it will reduce the absorption of carbohydrates, toxins that make weight loss difficult, facilitate digestion, eliminate regulate the intestine and combat fluid retention.

One of the main functions of hibiscus tea in the slimming diet is to prevent fluid retention, combined with the ability to accumulate fat, especially in the belly and hips. In addition to increasing good cholesterol (HDL), the substance lowers bad cholesterol (LDL), triglycerides and blood pressure.

Black tea

Black tea is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant  . It contains large amounts of polyphenols, which help with weight loss, increasing the burning of localized fat. It is considered a thermogenic drink, because it has caffeine, causing the metabolism to be accelerated and the burning of extra calories to be intensified.

Green tea

According to researches, green tea is a strong allied in weight loss. However, the herb only has a positive result if used in its natural form, hot or cold. In other words, industrialized bags, capsules, cans and bottles have no proven effect. Green tea also detoxifies the body, aids in the digestive process, prevents premature aging, reduces bad cholesterol and improves reasoning ability. It is recommended to consume the tea every day, two cups on an empty stomach and another four cups 30 minutes before meals.

matcha tea

In addition to a weighting loss, it contributes to cleansing the body, it provides well-being and increases the feeling of relaxation. The substance also has 70 times more antioxidants than orange juice and nine times more beta-carotene than spinach. According to studies, regular consumption of the drink increases by 25% the calorie burn during physical exercise.

white tea

As with the herb used in the production of green tea, white tea is also extracted from Camellia Sinensis. But green is made from the most mature leaves and white from the freshest. Intake of white tea strengthens the body’s fat burning mechanism by up to 8%. For it to have the desired effect, it is recommended to consume up to one liter per day, in the morning and between meals. In addition to being hot, it can also be eaten chilled.

Discover 5 teas that will help you lose weight