The ginger tea is widely used for the treatment of flu, cough and even sore throat. But are all these benefits proven by science?

To answer this question, the Tea benefi heats prepared this article. In addition to talking to sports nutritionist Bruna Morais, we also researched the scientific work developed with this root.

So, you can discover 7 proven benefits of ginger . Also learn how to make tea from this natural product and other ways to consume this drink. Also, find out if this infusion helps in the weight loss process.

Last but not least, let’s address the contraindications of ginger tea. As well as the side effects that this drink can cause in the body, if not consumed correctly.

Benefits of Ginger Tea

As mentioned before, we’ve separated 7 scientifically proven ginger benefits . Among them, three stand out: the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive action. ( 1 )

In this case, it is possible to say that the root called by scientists  Zingiber officinale  can be used to fight free radicals, inflammation and pain . Next, we’ve separated the seven benefits that can be found in ginger and, consequently, in the tea made with it.


The expectorant action is one of the most famous attributed to ginger. Popularly, it is used to cleanse the body of impurities that enter through the breath. But this is not just happening in Brazil.

“In China, ginger tea is used in such a way that pieces of fresh ginger boiled in water are indicated for treating  flu, coughs, colds and hangovers .” ( 2 )

Other studies show that the herb’s benefits even treat asthma . This is because the substances found in the plant are capable of inhibiting the pulmonary allergic reaction and are able to treat even other allergic diseases of the same pattern. ( 3 )

See also:  7 recipes for tasty, refreshing and beneficial teas made with ginger


There are two substances present in ginger capable of acting as antitumor. The first is gingerol, an element that can inhibit the metastasis of human breast cancer cells . ( 4 )

The second substance is called a phytochemical. “Dietary phytochemicals offer non-toxic therapeutic treatment as well as chemopreventive intervention for slow-growing prostate cancer .” ( 5 )


Another well-known benefit of ginger is its anti-inflammatory effect. This is thanks to the immune responses of this root. For this reason, lung inflammation is also mediated. ( 6 )

But respiratory problems are not the only ones to be treated with this root. Rheumatism, arthritis, osteoarthritis and other inflammatory diseases can be alleviated with the use of ginger.

“All 56 patients (28 with rheumatoid arthritis, 18 with osteoarthritis and 10 with muscle discomfort) used powdered ginger against their afflictions. Among arthritis patients, more than three-quarters experienced, to varying degrees, relief from pain and swelling. All patients with muscle discomfort experienced pain relief. None of the patients reported adverse effects during the period of ginger consumption, which ranged from 3 months to 2.5 years.” ( 7 )


For those who don’t know, the antiemetic action is related to the control of symptoms such as vomiting, nausea and nausea . In research carried out, ginger has demonstrated this function. However, with regard to the signs they are caused by chemotherapy. ( 8 )

But according to nutritionist Bruna, ginger is indicated for intestinal problems because the root “relaxes the gastrointestinal system, preventing nausea and vomiting”.


Even with all these benefits, ginger can also act as a gastroprotector. In this case, it protects the intestine and stomach from problems that can cause a range of symptoms.

“Ginger is also used as a home remedy and has immense value in the treatment of various gastric diseases such as constipation, dyspepsia, belching, bloating, gastritis, epigastric discomfort , gastric ulcerations, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, and scientific studies have validated ethnomedical uses. ” ( 9 )


As already mentioned, one of the main effects of ginger is its antioxidant action. Through it, the root is able to fight free radicals, substances that oxidize the body’s cells.( 10 )

“Ginger also acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, helping to prevent diseases such as colorectal cancer and stomach ulcers ”, explains nutritionist Bruna Morais.


Like other Chinese herbs, ginger also has antimicrobial properties. In addition to immunomodulating effect. ( 11 )

Does tea get thin?

According to sports nutritionist Bruna Morais, ginger tea can help with weight loss . That’s because this root has thermogenic power, “stimulating the body to burn more calories.”

Also according to the professional, a way to increase the thermogenic power is by adding another spice to the tea, cinnamon . Thus, the drink helps even more in the fight against the scales.

However, it is necessary to emphasize that to lose weight effectively, it is necessary to go beyond the ingestion of tea. “To lose weight in a healthy way, nothing better than combining a well-planned eating plan, along with daily exercise”, warns the nutritionist.

See also:  How to use ginger tea to lose weight

Ginger tea how to make?


  • 1 piece of ginger (about 5 cm)
  • 1 ½ cup (of tea) of water

Preparation mode

Bring the water to a boil while washing and cutting the ginger into thin slices. When the liquid starts to boil, just add the cut root.

Cover the container and let the mixture simmer for up to 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and let the tea sit for another 2 minutes. Finally, strain and take without sweetening. The intake of this drink should be up to three cups a day.

Ginger and Cinnamon Tea

If you want to enhance the thermogenic effect of ginger, just add a cinnamon stick in the recipe mentioned above.

In that case, while the tea is resting covered, add this spice. After a few minutes, strain and drink normally.

Ginger tea with lemon and honey

This mixture is responsible for enhancing the expectorant effect . Well, both lemon and honey can help to treat coughs, flu and other ailments.

To enjoy these benefits, just add half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey to your cup of ginger tea. Stir the mixture and take up to three times a day.

Ginger tea powder

Powdered ginger can replace the root of this spice in tea recipes and other cooking recipes. Like the root itself, it can be found in open markets, pharmacies and even on the internet.

Contraindications and side effects

” Pregnant women should avoid using ginger especially until the eleventh week of pregnancy.” ( 12 ) This is because ginger has abortive properties, causing a risk to the baby and the mother’s health. ( 13 )

In addition, patients with heart disease, kidney stones, liver dysfunction, diabetes and also hypoglycemic should avoid drinking this tea. ( 12 )

Finally, using too much ginger tea can cause gastric problems . Among the main symptoms are: burning and malaise.